Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Recursive UDTIO

New Contributor I

In the code below, results of size of list variable are confused(Some of them are equal to 1). If each buffer within the write statement is replaced with exactly the according constant string, resullts would be reasonable(All are 0). Why's that ? Thanks for any help.

module test1
    implicit none
    public :: tp1
    type :: tp1
        ! <nothing.>
        generic,   public :: write(formatted)   => formattedwritesub
        procedure, pass   ::                       formattedwritesub
    end type tp1
    recursive subroutine formattedwritesub(var, unit, type, list, iostat, iomsg)
        class(tp1),            intent(in)    :: var
        integer,               intent(in)    :: unit
        character(*),          intent(in)    :: type
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in)    :: list
        integer,               intent(out)   :: iostat
        character(*),          intent(inout) :: iomsg
        character(:),          allocatable   :: buffer
        IF(type == "DTString")then
            write(*,*) "Size of list in DTString is: ", SIZE(list)

            buffer = "(DT'String1')"
            write(*,buffer) var
        else IF(type == "DTString1")then
            write(*,*) "Size of list in DTString1 is: ", SIZE(list)

            buffer = "(DT'String2')"
            write(*,buffer) var
        else IF(type == "DTString2")then
            write(*,*) "Size of list in DTString2 is: ", SIZE(list)

            buffer = "(DT'String3')"
            write(*,buffer) var
        else IF(type == "DTString3")then
            write(*,*) "Size of list in DTString3 is: ", SIZE(list)
        end if
    end subroutine formattedwritesub
end module test1
program main
    use test1
    type(tp1) :: var
    write(*,"(DT'String')") var
end program main


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I think this is a bug in the Fortran run-time related to processing of a format that is a variable. You are correct that the size of LIST should be zero in all cases. Please report this through the Intel Online Service Center.

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New Contributor I

Steve Lionel (Ret.) wrote:

I think this is a bug in the Fortran run-time related to processing of a format that is a variable. You are correct that the size of LIST should be zero in all cases. Please report this through the Intel Online Service Center.

Thanks Steve, I'll report it later.

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