Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Runtime failure question

I have an executable that is compiling and linking correctly. But when we try and execute it it complains that the procedure entry point for for_array_copy_out could not be located in the dynamic link library libifcoremd.dll. This program is linked with libraries created with 11.1.065, but the main i build with Composer XE 2011. Can you tell me what is causing this issue?

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III
The operating system loader may be finding an old version of the fortran runtime libraries. Perhaps an older copy of the runtime DLLs is in the list of directories that the system searches prior the runtime DLL's for version 12.

Make sure that the PATH environment variable has the directories for the latest compiler first. Also confirm that directories that the system searches prior to searching PATH don't have spurious copies of the runtime (\windows\system32 for example - some lazy installers use that as a directory for their DLL's).

You can use the depends.exe utility to determine which DLL's the operating system is loading (or trying to load) for your program (you need to invoke depends with the same environment variables as when you try to invoke your program).
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