Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Set kind of user derived type at runtime


I am trying to figure out the correct methodology for setting a user derived type variable at runtime based on some user input.  The following would be a very simply example of two user derived types: One and Two.

type One
   integer :: ivalue=0
end type One

type Two
   integer :: ivalue=0
end type Two

How would I go about setting a variable,x, to a specific user derived type based on user input.  Pseudocode would be something along the lines of

if userinput = 1, then set x to type One

elseif userinput =2, then set x to type Two

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9 Replies
Valued Contributor II

Use an abstract type from which your types one and two inherit.

module types
  implicit none

  public :: t1, one, two
  type, abstract :: t1
     integer :: ivalue = 0
     procedure(t1_print), deferred :: print 
  end type t1

  type, extends(t1) :: one
     procedure :: print => one_print
  end type one
  type, extends(t1) :: two
     procedure :: print => two_print
  end type two

  abstract interface
     subroutine t1_print (this)
       class(t1), intent(in) :: this
     end subroutine t1_print
  end interface
  subroutine one_print (this)
    class(one), intent(in) :: this
    print *, "Type one!"
  end subroutine one_print

  subroutine two_print (this)
    class(two), intent(in) :: this
    print *, "Type two!"
  end subroutine two_print  
end module types

program main
  use types  
  implicit none
  class(t1), allocatable :: foo
  integer :: x

  x = 2

  select case (x)
  case (1)
     allocate (one :: foo)
  case (2)
     allocate (two :: foo)
  case default
     print *, "Error!"
  end select

  call foo%print ()
end program main


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

Great example!

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thank you very much!  This will work perfectly for my purposes.

0 Kudos

A follow up question using the above example types module and main program.  That example shows how to set class foo to either type one or two depending on some input. I have run into some errors accessing components of the either one or two -- note they have unique component names.  When trying to access a type's component, I get the following compile error:

error #6460: This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure.

I determined that the accessing must occur within a SELECT TYPE block.

select type(foo)
   type is(one)
      ...access type one components here....
   type is(two)
      ...access type one components here....
end select

Is this the only way to access the components?  Could I call a subroutine within the SELECT TYPE in which the subroutine operates only on a specific type's components?

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

Yes, you have to use a `select type` here. Or you have to use a deferred getter routine that is overridden in the different inheriting types one and two if at least the type of the different components of one and two is the same. 


0 Kudos

It appears that the scope of the SELECT TYPE construct does apply to the called subroutine within the TYPE IS block.  Is this correct?  

Expanding upon the earlier examples, I want to perform work data object.  So I would need to have 2 subroutines to perform work on each type one or two.  I basically have to encapsulate the entire subroutine with a SELECT TYPE construct.  Some like the following...

subroutine work_on_type_one(input)
use types
implicit none

class(t1), intent(inout), allocatable :: input

....define and initialize some local vars...

select type(input)
type is(one)

...main body of subroutine...

end select

end subroutine work_on_type_one


0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

As I said, if you do it with a deferred procedure, then you don't need a select type construct, but you could you an overridden function in the abstract type. Of course, this will not work if the two components of one and two types are TKR-different, but then it doesn't make such sense to have a unified getter for them. Here is the expanded example:

module types
  implicit none

  public :: t1, one, two
  type, abstract :: t1
     integer :: ivalue = 0
     procedure(t1_print), deferred :: print
     procedure(t1_get_val), deferred :: get_val
  end type t1

  type, extends(t1) :: one
     integer :: i_t1 = 42
     procedure :: print => one_print
     procedure :: get_val => one_get_val
  end type one
  type, extends(t1) :: two
     integer :: i_t2 = 43
     procedure :: print => two_print
     procedure :: get_val => two_get_val
  end type two

  abstract interface
     subroutine t1_print (this)
       class(t1), intent(in) :: this
     end subroutine t1_print
  end interface

  abstract interface
     function t1_get_val (this) result (val)
       class(t1), intent(in) :: this
       integer :: val
     end function t1_get_val
  end interface  
  subroutine one_print (this)
    class(one), intent(in) :: this
    print *, "Type one!"
  end subroutine one_print

  subroutine two_print (this)
    class(two), intent(in) :: this
    print *, "Type two!"
  end subroutine two_print

  function one_get_val (this) result (val)
    class(one), intent(in) :: this
    integer :: val
    val = this%i_t1
  end function one_get_val

  function two_get_val (this) result (val)
    class(two), intent(in) :: this
    integer :: val
    val = this%i_t2
  end function two_get_val  
end module types

program main
  use types  
  implicit none
  class(t1), allocatable :: foo
  integer :: x, val

  x = 2

  select case (x)
  case (1)
     allocate (one :: foo)
  case (2)
     allocate (two :: foo)
  case default
     print *, "Error!"
  end select

  call foo%print ()
  val = foo%get_val ()
  print *, "val = ", val
end program main


0 Kudos

Thank you again for more insight on this topic.  Going off your example, I have a deferred procedure in my code to initialize the object.  However, I will need the object to be an array of rank 1.  When I modified the code to include dimension(:) where necessary, I get the following error:

error #8263: The passed-object dummy argument must be a scalar, nonpointer, nonallocatable dummy data object.

Using your example, I need foo to be

class(t1), allocatable, dimension(:) :: foo

Does the capability exist to have a deferred, initializing subroutine that will size the class object? 

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

The code also works for 

class(t1), allocatable, dimension(:) :: foo

and then e.g.

allocate (one :: foo(3)) 


do i = 1, 3
  foo(i)%print ()
  foo(i)%get_value ()
end do

Maybe you just consult one of the standard textbooks on Modern Fortran like Metcalfe, Cohen, Reid: "Modern Fortran Explained" or Jeanne Adams et al., "The Fortran 2003 Handbook".


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