Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
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Snow leopard (+ XCode 3.2.2 + compilers 11.1?) break code project

I just update my OS from Leopard to Snow Leopard 10.6.3, and did all the system updates; in particular to XCode 3.2.2. Also I updated the Intel Fortran Compilers to the most recent And I ran into serious problems with my (fortran) code project... [a code/simulator that I'm heavily dependent on and need to get running again asap].
The problem is very hard to debug: I can compile the project fine, dito for linking (to MKL libraries and Pardiso solver). 1 problem that I did find seems to be related to the -fast flag, so I removed it for the time being. The issue is that whenever I run the code, it crashes very quickly, but at seemingly random times with a segmentation fault; however it seems to be before the first time that the solver is called.
This happens with the optimization flag set to -O1, -O2, -O3. What makes it difficult to debug is that the code seems to run fine with optimization turned off (-O0).
I can provide more detail later, but first wanted to check if this already sounds familiar, and maybe there's another thread out there that I should be checking. I can find many Snow Leopard issues, but nothing that helps. In particular, most issues that I found there are supposedly fixed with the XCode update to 3.2.2 (such as dynamic linking vs static linking).
I've worked on this code for about 2 years, through all Leopard sub-updates and intel compiler updates; and even compiled on windows without any issues; this is definitely related to some combination of Snow Leopard, XCode (gcc 4.2.1?) and/or compiler 11.1.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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