Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28535 Discussions

VS2010 with latest compiler and VS2008 with older compiler

We are currently using VS2008 with Fortran 11 and would like to upgrade to VS2010 with the latest Fortran compiler. Does anyone know if this will be a problem. I saw the other posts about coexisting but wanted to make sure.

How does the license work if I upgrade my license from 11 to XE? We have multiple version of our product with different Fortran compiler. Do I need to have a license for XE and 11 if we will be mostly using XE but will occasionally use 11? I'm new supporting Fortran so I'm asking.
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5 Replies
Our licenses aren't version-specific. Rather, they have a "support end date". With a given license, you can run any compiler (well, back to version 8 or so) that was released before the support end date. So as long as your license is current, you can use both the current compiler and version 11.

Are you using 11.0 or 11.1? If 11.1, you should be able to do this without much difficulty. Before you install the Composer XE product, run regedit.exe, browse to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intel\Compilers\Fortran . Right click on Fortran and select Export. Save the .reg file. Install the new compiler and open VS2008. See if 11.1 is listed as a choice under Tools > Options > Intel Visual Fortran > Compilers. If it isn't, double-click on the .reg you saved, exit VS2008 and restart. It should be visible then.
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New Contributor II
I have a slightly different problem here... Finally got a new license and now I can use all the nice new features you added :-)

But still we have to use some older compiler versions because our customer wants us to use them.

So I did the following:
- I installed XE Update 5 because this is the last version which can co-exist with our older 11.0 projects under VS 2008
- Then I installed XE Update 8 but just with the integration in VS 2010 and not in VS 2008. But it kicks out the integration of VS 2008

Searching the forum I found this thread
and the page how I can fix the VS 2008 integration. I backuped the Intel Fortran Folder of VS 2008 before I installed Update 8, after that copied it back to the VS 2008 folder and ran the repair program.

It worked almost perfect: I can load and compile my projects, I can switch between the XE Update 5 and 11.0 compilers. But I cant create new projects. There is no Intel Visual Fortran entry in the projects tree (I attached some screenshots)...

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It looks as if the older integration did not fully register. Did you check the version information of the DLLs listed in that repair article? Did the repair tool give any errors?
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The version of the six DLLs is 12.0.3471.2008, so they should be the correct ones.

There were no error messages, all DLLs were successfully unregistered and registered (just tried it again). I can select the different compilers but cant create a new project.

When I reinstall the Update 5 intergration fromsetup, my integration of Update 8 in VS2010 is gone, although I dont check VS2010 in the setup. Reinstalling Update 8 without checking VS2008 integration removes the integration in VS2008... A deadlock!

Now I solved the problem by installing IVF 11.1.072 suite. But the integration issue should be reviewed...

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New Contributor I
Hello Markus,

we have the same problem.

Our solution was an install starting with the newest compiler and installing then the older ones. In the end we have VS2010 shell, VS 2008, IVF 12.1 and 11.1 on one computer. If you had IVF 11.1 allready installed on your computer a repair install after the installation of IVF12.1 should help.

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