Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28613 Discussions

Win XP x64 system - OS freezes, no system log errors indicating issue

What is the best way to troubleshoot a situation where I have a customer running a visual fortran program in the background, awaiting instructions from the user (so the program is in a standby) and then the system (xp 64 bit) will come to a crawl, can't get task manager or anything up, mouse cursor goes corrupt... I've seen this happen myself recently and it only ocurs when visual studio 2005 and a fortran program is running. The problem is that this doesn't always happen consistenly (sort of like taking the car into the mechanic and it doesn't do the rattle). The customer blamed the office 2007 on the computer, which I ended up removing and putting office xp on the computer.

I have procmon (a new sysinternals tool from microsoft) going in the background, but the system doesn't receive a spike in cpu utilization and has failed to capture a non responsive application.

I'm kind of at 'wits end' because I've been reading the intel forums for the past few hours and as much as a professional 'googler' as I admit, I have not found a lead. Hence, posting now.


I suspect that it's the fortran program itself, but I need an error log or something to point the finger.

So my question: what is the best way to troubleshoot this issue further?
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1 Reply
If the Fortran program could cause such a problem, it would be a very serious bug in Windows because the Fortran code is all user-mode.

Is ctfmon.exe running when this happens? This Office (incluiding XP) process is known to cause interactive programs to fail in mysterious ways, though I have never heard of it crashing the system. See here for more info.
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