Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28528 Discussions

exe file is not built by Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011 but built in command prompt

I am trying to build 14 projects in one solution in Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011. The linker command line options are as follows for one the projects.

/OUT:".\\Debug/Proj1.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"C:/Program Files/Writer/bin" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:".\\Debug\\Proj1.exe.intermediate.manifest" /DEBUG /PDB:".\\Debug/Proj1.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:X86 /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT writer.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

For some reasons, the compiler does not make the Proj1.exe. None of the projects's exe file gets built and only gets updated. I even cleaned the projects and then rebuild them but it didn't work. The build log for Proj1 is as follows:

Build Log
Rebuild started: Project: Proj1, Configuration: Debug|Win32

Command Lines
Proj1 - up-to-date

Why the compiler uses - up-to-date? Could someone help me what the problem of not building the exe file can be? However, when I use the following commands in the Intel Fortran command prompt it works.
c:/>ifort Proj1.f90 writer.lib /link /libpath:"C:/Program Files/Writer/bin"
Intel Visual Fortran Intel 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel 64, Version Build 20110427
Copyright (C) 1985-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

"/libpath:C:/Program Files/Writer/bin"

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11 Replies
Read this article and follow the instructions in the fourth bullet of Step 1. Does that fix it?
0 Kudos

The source boxes are already filled corrrectly with .f90 for free format and .f, .for, .fpp for fixed format. Please advise. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Would you please attach the .vfproj file for Proj1?
0 Kudos
I am having a similar problem. I am trying to port a program from Compaq Visual Fortran to Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 12.1. I got it to compile and build (after many changes to declarations and interfaces) but the results weren't comparable. On debugging it appeared that a parameter "pi" had given an inappropriate integer value (which was visible in the debugger unlike other parameters). On changing the code to copy the parameter to a local variable to investigate, the code no longer even attempts to compile. All obj and exe files have been deleted but Visual Studio 10.0 just claims 'up-to-date'. I've read the 'this article' above but my only conflict appears to be that Help->About declares "Intel Visual Fortran" not "Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Integration". (The description however talks about Update 9 Integration.)Deinstalling and re-installing made no difference. What is causing Visual Studio to claim success when all the intermediate files are missing?
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See reply #1 above.
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Steve, as stated in #5,I've already gone throughyour 'this article' in #1. Does your article really mean I should see "Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Integration" in the list of the window displayed by Visual Studio 2010's Help->About. Is my "Intel Visual Fortran" correct for my version (12.1)? Is this in any way related to the problem or is this a false lead? Given it did build once I'm thinking it is probably a false lead unless there's been some corruption. It would be nice to know what could cause this corruption if this is so and why a deinstallation and reinstallation of the integration software couldn't fix it. What should one do if this part of Step1 fails? My installation passes your Step 2 and my version is too new to use any of the repair tools of Step 3. This problem is beyond a joke and there does not appear to be anyway in to logically debug it. No wheredoes there appear to be a 'make' file to see what it is attempting to do and there is no error message as to what has failed. It is completely opaque. knowing what is supposed to trigger the Visual Studio to perform a build or why it thinks it can ignore files in the source list would be very useful. At this rate I'll have be resort to completely recreating the project on the assumption that a problem that I don't understand will just go away, based on the knowledge that it worked the first time I did it. More insight into what is or is not going on would be much appreciated.
0 Kudos
The problem you are seeing is almost always caused by the list of source file types being blank in the options dialog as I discuss in the article. We don't understand why, but sometimes this setting gets lost.

I do see I need to update that article a bit, though. Make sure that the General dialog looks like this - in particular, the Sources field:

0 Kudos
Sadly, I can confirm that my source file types list was not blank. Indeed it was as augmented by me to include *.inc, *.ifc and *.c for include files and some extra C files. I suspect that the *.inc & *.ifc files weren't needed in the list and I never could get Visual Studio to compile the C (unlike old Visual Studio 6 which allowed the mixture). I got the C compiled manually via a *.bat file and forced the obj files on the compiler. I've tried removing these extra types and Visual Studio is still not attempting to compile (except the forced C files in the bat file). I tried putting the fortran into the bat file but I couldn't get it to work using ifort but I'm not familiar with this anyway.

I tried removing the whole Intel Composer package and reinstalling but there was no change. I'm now worried about hang-overs: it still remembered my colour settings and recent files post reinstallation. Incidentally the 'fix build' option wouldn't work on my system: it complained that the installation media wasn't available even though it was installed from a download that was still on my D drive.

I tried restarting the project but this also failed as did trying other test projects that had previously worked. I'm therefore thinking it could be a corrupted installation rather than being project specific.

Because my installation started on top of a full Visual Studio 2010, I'm now thinking of attempting to reinstall this and the Fortran. Owing to space limitation the OS is on C: and the Visual Studio and Fortran are on D:. The OS is XP SP3.
0 Kudos
I resorted to reinstalling Visual Studio 2010. This has now got Visual Studio back to attempting to compile the Fortran. Here's hoping the unexplained corruption doesn't come back. Sadly I now have to face 8'Compilation Aborted (code 1)' errors that weren't present before. Reading other forum posts thisimplies a compiler errorwhich may have been precipitated by changing the various warning levels and possibly other switches since the last complete build... which of course was defective because of the quoted value of pi in the debugger and the duff results I was getting. (All this just 'upgrade' from CVF!)
0 Kudos
P.S. The answer to my question 'Is my "Intel Visual Fortran" correct for my version (12.1)? appears to be 'Yes' as the compiler at least tries to work.
0 Kudos
P.S. The answer to my question 'Is my "Intel Visual Fortran" correct for my version (12.1)? appears to be 'Yes' as the compiler at least tries to work.
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