Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28925 Discussions

ifort gets confused with procedure names in conjunction with submodules

New Contributor II

The small example below shows what look like a compiler bug, occurring with current versions ifx 2023.0.0 20221201 as well as ifort 2021.8.0 20221119.

Compilation with "ifort submod_aux.f90 submod_class.f90 submod_class_smod.f90 -c" (or ifx) gives the error message:


submod_class_smod.f90: error #8262: For a type-bound procedure that has the PASS binding attribute, the first dummy argument must have the same declared type as the type being defined.   [SELF]

submod_class_smod.f90(6): error #8278: An overriding binding and its corresponding overridden binding must have the same number of dummy arguments.   [SUB]
   procedure :: sub


and some more.

In the example there is an auxiliary module submod_aux providing a derived-type "aux" with type-bound procedure sub. The subroutine "sub" itself is private.

Furthermore, there is a module submod_class.f90, defining an abstract type "t", providing only the interface of t. An implementation for "t" is provided in the submodule with extended type "s", which is not exported by module t. Type "t" has a type-bound procedure of name "sub" (deferred) which is implemented by "s". It has an argument of type "aux". Somehow, the compiler confuses the subroutine "sub" from the submodule and the subroutine of same name from auxiliary module, which is demonstrated by the following work-around.

Work-around: rename subroutine "sub" in the submodule to "sub_s" and declare type-bound procedure with "procedure :: sub => sub_s".



module submod_aux

implicit none

type, public :: aux
   integer :: i = 42
   procedure :: sub
end type aux


subroutine sub(self)
   class(aux), intent(out) :: self
   self%i = 43
end subroutine sub

end module submod_aux
module submod_class

use submod_aux
implicit none

public create

type, abstract, public :: t
   procedure(sub_ifc), deferred :: sub
end type t

abstract interface
   subroutine sub_ifc(self, a)
      import t, aux
      class(t), intent(out) :: self
      class(aux), intent(in) :: a
   end subroutine sub_ifc
end interface

   module function create() result(x)
      class(t), pointer :: x
   end function create
end interface

end module submod_class
submodule (submod_class) submod_class_smod

type, extends(t) :: s
   integer :: i
   procedure :: sub
end type s


module function create() result(x)
   class(t), pointer :: x
   allocate(s :: x)
end function create

subroutine sub(self, a)
   class(s), intent(out) :: self
   class(aux), intent(in) :: a
   self%i = a%i
end subroutine sub

end submodule submod_class_smod



EDIT: corrected description of usage of aux (it is used argument not as component).

1 Solution
New Contributor II

Thanks for checking.

It is actually an old bug, which I also get with an older ifort version. Meanwhile I also saw (with another real code case) that an abstract derived-type in the main module (as in the example) is not necessary.


View solution in original post

0 Kudos
6 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The code looks conforming to me, I reckon it's a compiler bug.

0 Kudos
$ ifort --version
ifort (IFORT) 2021.8.0 20221119
Copyright (C) 1985-2022 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
$ ifort -c submod_aux.f90 submod_class.f90 submod_class_smod.f90

I'm confused. I copy/pasted those three files. I don't get the error messages. What am I missing?



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

@Barbara_P_Intel wrote:

.. What am I missing?

Could it be Windows OS?

C:\temp>ifort /c submod_aux.f90 submod_class.f90 submod_class_smod.f90
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.8.0 Build 20221119_000000
Copyright (C) 1985-2022 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

submod_class_smod.f90: error #8262: For a type-bound procedure that has the PASS binding attribute, the first dummy argument must have the same declared type as the type being defined.   [SELF]
submod_class_smod.f90(6): error #8278: An overriding binding and its corresponding overridden binding must have the same number of dummy arguments.   [SUB]
   procedure :: sub
submod_class_smod.f90(6): error #8383: The dummy arguments of an overriding and overridden binding that correspond by position must have the same characteristics, except for the type of the passed object dummy arguments.   [SUB]
   procedure :: sub
submod_class_smod.f90: error #8322: A deferred binding is inherited by non-abstract type; It must be overridden.   [SUB]
submod_class_smod.f90(3): error #6136: Derived-type declared must be ABSTRACT   [S]
type, extends(t) :: s
compilation aborted for submod_class_smod.f90 (code 1)
0 Kudos

Thanks for the sanity check, @FortranFan. What I copy/pasted compiles OK on Windows, too.

So I redid the copy/paste and I now get the error messages on Linux.

(rolling my eyes)

0 Kudos

Bug filed, CMPLRLLVM-46225. I get the same error messages with ifx and ifort.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Thanks for checking.

It is actually an old bug, which I also get with an older ifort version. Meanwhile I also saw (with another real code case) that an abstract derived-type in the main module (as in the example) is not necessary.


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