Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28518 Discussions

installing ifort as an user not root

hi all!
i want to install l_fc_p_8.1.018 compiler on an itanium system ...b'coz i want to run my 32 bit application on that can i install the ifort from rpm file as an user on that system ..i m not having the root access to that system...
should i install intel-ifort8-8.1-017.i386.rpm on the system for running the 32bit fortran program on that system?
please help me out in detail as i do not know much about linux...?

thanks in advance

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III
If you want to run a program built with shared libraries with 32-bit ifort on a 32-bit linux, on your Itanium system, you will require the shared libraries from your ifort installation. You could copy them into any directory of your choice and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly. You also need the EL 32-bit emulator and associated libraries, which have to be installed after a standard basic linux installation.
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thanks tim18!
the linux installed on the itanium system is of ia64 type
result of uname -a is :-
Linux localhost 2.4.18-e.31smp #1 SMP Wed May 21 17:47:59 EDT 2003 ia64 unknown
as i m new to linux system, if possible, please specify the sequence of commands i have to give for this and i as user can do that because i m not having the root access to the system...
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Honored Contributor III
EL installation, and necessary 32-bit Red Hat libraries, has to be done by root, from the "LACD," an additional CD in the installation set. If that has not already been done, you will have to see your administrator.
To find out which shared libraries you are using, try
ldd yourexecutable
both on the 32-bit system and this system.
Any libraries from the Intel Fortran /lib directory will have to be copied over. It might be easier to relink your application on the 32-bit system, for example by
ifort -i-static
so that you don't use 32-bit shared libraries not normally present on IPF.
Why not rebuild your application native on Itanium?
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