Intel® Fortran Compiler
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regarding intel math library

Hi everybody,
I am new at using intel math library and have no idea how to invoke the library in my fortran routines. I have so far used Numerical Recipe subroutines for FFT and random no. purpose. Since i have to use those routines extensively in my program, i hope there will be performance gain if i use math library.

Specifically I use 2D FFT on a two dimensional real arry and a uniform random no.

Can anyone give me a walkthrough which fft routine i will use. how should i write it in my program. It would be highly appreciated if anyone can give model program which shows the steps. Since i have to use fft and uniform random no generator simultaneously, how should i compile it, specifically how to link.

I find source examples are too confusing.
This is my system con figuration:
Amd opteron dual core 2.0 HP
ifort 9.1 non comertial version
Intel mkl library 8.0.1

P.S this is a old post from intel math library forum. I am posting it here because i didn't got any response from that forum till now and i really need to know how to proceed.

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