Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas
515 Discussions

Constantly notified of Graphics Monitor Server crashing

I keep getting the "Graphics Monitor Server crashed and was successfully restarted. No additional actions required." message in the Graphics Monitor, and have been unable to launch any application.
I tried to update my drivers, reinstall the application or use some of the workarounds proposed in other related discussions but to no avail.
This is the first time I installed the program, so I'm unaware if previous versions would have worked correctly on my system.
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1 Solution

Hello Guantol_Lemat!

Thank you for the dump files. We have a team member looking into this issue. What messages did you get when you ran spreg.exe?

As a reminder, here are the steps:

1) Please open a command prompt

2) Enter the following command: cd "C:\Program Files\IntelSWTools\GPA\emon\bin64" to change the working directory

3) Then, execute the following command:

     C:\Program Files\IntelSWTools\GPA\emon\bin64> sepreg.exe -u pax

     If you get the error message "This application can't run on your computer", please try running Command Prompt as an administrator.

4) Restart Graphics Monitor

View solution in original post

9 Replies

Hi Guantol_Lemat,


Thanks for your post. We are sorry to hear you have experienced issues while trying to open Graphics Monitor - that can understandably be inconvenient. 

Could you share some logs with us that might help diagnose the issue? The logs can be found at [User folder]\Documents\GPA\Logs 

And you mentioned you tried the proposed workarounds in other discussions. Have you tried the workaround suggested in this discussion: Re: Graphics monitor server crashed - Intel Community? Specifically running sepreg.exe as described from the command prompt, and deleting the three specified registry entries in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intel?


Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.

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Yes, I had tried to delete the registry entries previously, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Weirdly enough the Log folder seems to be completely empty.
The only thing I've been able to find is some crash dumps in a Dumps folder that seem to be generated everytime the Graphics Monitor Server crashes, I'll attach them hoping they will be of use, alongside my system info (I seem to be unable to attach the files with the .dmp extension, as the site is preventing me from doing so)

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Hello Guantol_Lemat!

Thank you for the dump files. We have a team member looking into this issue. What messages did you get when you ran spreg.exe?

As a reminder, here are the steps:

1) Please open a command prompt

2) Enter the following command: cd "C:\Program Files\IntelSWTools\GPA\emon\bin64" to change the working directory

3) Then, execute the following command:

     C:\Program Files\IntelSWTools\GPA\emon\bin64> sepreg.exe -u pax

     If you get the error message "This application can't run on your computer", please try running Command Prompt as an administrator.

4) Restart Graphics Monitor


This has fully solved the issue, I am no longer notified about the Server Crashing and I am able to run applications without any problems. Thank you for your assistance.

Regarding the messages, I'm not entirely sure. When I ran the command it opened the program in a separate instance and immediately closed itself after completing the operation.  From a brief glipse they appeared to be the same as what TheMasterous received.

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Hi Guantol_Lemat,


Your welcome! Thank you for the insight - it has helped us root cause the issue.


A hotfix update just went live today on the official Intel GPA download link, this should resolve the issue you have encountered with Graphics Monitor Server crashes. It also fixes which some customers have encountered regarding Graphics Monitor freezing programs launched from Steam.



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I'm getting the same problem after updating from 2024.2 to 2024.4 I've tried all solutions i found on this thread and others but it still crashes constantly. Attached is the stacktrace of GpaServer (couldn't upload the dump file)

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Hello TheMasterous!

Thank you for the dump files. We have a team member looking into this issue. I'm curious about the same thing I asked Guantol_Lemat - what messages did you get when you ran spreg.exe?

You can refer to the post above for the full steps to perform the workaround.


And just checking, did you see any logs in the following location: [User folder]\Documents\GPA\Logs ?

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!

0 Kudos

Doing the spreg.exe command does seem to fix the issue here is the log of it if needed:

PS E:\Tools\IntelGPA\emon\bin64> .\sepreg.exe -u pax
Stopping and removing sepdrv5...OK
Stopping and removing sepdal...OK
Stopping and removing socperf3...OK

As for logs in the Documents\GPA\Logs folder i didn't get any.


Would you have an idea of why this is happening?

0 Kudos

Hi TheMasterous,


Yes, we were able to root cause the Graphic Monitor Server crashes, in part thanks to the helpful information you shared - thank you!


A fix for the issue you have encountered with Graphics Monitor Server crashes is targeted to be included in the upcoming 25.1 GPA Release.





EDIT: Removed incorrect information about the January hotfix update containing fixes for this issue

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