Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

How do I connect the GPA to Android (unity)



​Im trying to get this profiler to work but I have the same error using System Analyzer, Frame Analyzer or other.

Application Error Failed to connect to the application. Contact the Graphics Performance Analyzer support team. 
Im able to see the device and connect, after that I got a screen to and select Analyzable Applications, after I select the APP I get an Error.

Is there some special setup Unity side? Developer Mode, Write to External Memory, Snapdragon above 820? Or like Mali, install a plugin inside Unity project?

I have no problem using others profiler as Adreno Profiler, Snapdragon Profiler or Mali Graphic Profiler.

Appreciate any help.







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1 Reply

Hey Francisco, 

Sorry about the confusion but Intel® GPA is no longer supporting Android devices. Before deprecating this support, however, we only supported devices with Intel chipsets in them. Any sort of functionality that you get from the tool in its current state is as much as we can provide as a team. If that means that the tool does not work with your device, unfortunately, we will not be able to fix the issue.

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