Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

Intel GPA 2012 R1 now available!

Valued Contributor I

As of the 5th of March, 2012, Intel GPA 2012 R1 has now been released and is the current version of the Intel GPA product for Microsoft Windows 7* and Microsoft Vista* users. This version contains significant new features as requested by developers -- there's more information about this release in this article.

The latest release is available by browsing to the Intel GPA Home Page and clicking on the "Download" button.

Download Intel GPA Now!

Intel GPA is a powerful, agile developer tool suite for analyzing and optimizing games, media, and other graphics-intensive applications. Version 2012 R1 adds new features to the product, based upon recommendations from leading graphics developers such as yourself.

In order to focus efforts on newer operating systems and technologies, Microsoft Windows XP* support has been removed from this release. If you need to use the Windows XP* OS, see this article for more information about your options.

PS -> If you were using a previous version of Intel GPA, you didn't miss releases 5.x through 2011 -- we've changed our numbering scheme to be consistent with other VC Source products.

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