Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas
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Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzer 2022.2 Release is Out!


Hello All, 

The Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers team is proud to announce Intel® GPA 2022.2!

You can download Intel® GPA 2022.2 for FREE from the Intel® GPA homepage.

Watch the full release video here!


Intel® GPA GUI Tools:

For Graphics Frame Analyzer, Graphics Trace Analyzer, System Analyzer and Graphics Monitor  we will have updates in future releases.

Meanwhile, we have added system-wide, time-based GPU metrics collection capability for Ubuntu. We also added Ubuntu support for query-based metrics for OpenGL* in Graphics Frame Analyzer. Enable these metrics with these instructions.

Intel® GPA Framework 

  • Enhanced API call logging to include not just API calls, but also parameter values.
  • Enabled highly configurable frame-level metrics collection that allows you to select particular metrics sets or particular metrics from those sets.
  • Added support for the latest stable build of the Microsoft* DirectX* Agility SDK.
  • Added these new experiments for Direct3D 11 streams:
    • Custom NxN and x,y scissor rect Experiment;
    • Highlight Experiment;
    • Wireframe Highlight Experiment.

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