Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

Media Performance


Здравствуйте. Мне необходимо проверить как работает Quick Sync. В старой версии 4.3 программы Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer (GPA)  должна быть кнопка Media Performance. Пожалуйста дайте ссылку на эту версию или на отдельное приложение Media Performance. Или объясните как это сделать в новой версии.

Hello. I need to check how Quick Sync works. In the older version 4.3 of the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer (GPA) program, there should be a Media Performance button. Please give a link to this version or to a separate Media Performance application. Or explain how to do it in the new version.

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1 Reply

Hi Kogoth,

Unfortunately this feature was in an old version of the tool that we no longer support in the current version. We do, however, show MFX metrics for Windows* OS (with Intel® hardware) which are the Quick Sync media metrics. We have MFX Encode Usage, MFX Decode Usage, and MFX Engine Usage. The best way to see all of these metrics is to use System Analyzer and select your application. From here, scroll through the list on the left-hand side to find the appropriate metrics.

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