Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

Using Frame Analyzer on Unity project on Android: Unable to determine frame file API



I have a similar problem like "Using Frame Analyzer on UE4 project: Unable to determine frame file API"

A Unity project on Android.

Can someone help?

Thank you !

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5 Replies


Sorry you are running into issues.

What steps are you attempting that leads up to the error in your image?

Also, sending your GPA About info will help speed up debugging:

To get that (assuming you are on Windows) - Make sure Monitor is running -> Right click on the sys tray icon -> Click on About -> Either copy n paste the info or click on 'Save as'

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Ryan G. (Intel) wrote:


Sorry you are running into issues.

What steps are you attempting that leads up to the error in your image?

Also, sending your GPA About info will help speed up debugging:

To get that (assuming you are on Windows) - Make sure Monitor is running -> Right click on the sys tray icon -> Click on About -> Either copy n paste the info or click on 'Save as'


just run the app and capture frame, and open it , then the error show.

the system analyzer is fine.

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Ok, so you are able to connect to your Android device and capture a frame - that's good.  Can I ask which Android device you are using - so I can be sure what hardware we are talking about.

Also, which application are you injecting into?

Thanks for the About info - That's odd that your gfx card information is not appearing.  What type of card do you have in your pc?

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Ryan G. (Intel) wrote:


Ok, so you are able to connect to your Android device and capture a frame - that's good.  Can I ask which Android device you are using - so I can be sure what hardware we are talking about.

Also, which application are you injecting into?

Thanks for the About info - That's odd that your gfx card information is not appearing.  What type of card do you have in your pc?

gfx card in my pc is NVIDIA GeForce GT 730……

the application is our company's game,

the android device that can capture frame is call JIANGUO, it's made from SMARTISAN,but now it's off the shelf.

I also tryto run System Analyzer on HUAWEI Honor H60-L01,

but it said that The Platform is not debuggable.


I try to export another empty Unity Project.

check the "Development Build"


set "debuggable true" and insert

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 <uses-permission android:name="com.qti.permission.PROFILER"/>

in AndroidManifest.xml

but i cant capture frame at this empty project.

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Thanks for that information - that helps out.

Both the Android devices you mention (JIANGUO and the HUAWEI) do not have an Intel CPU which might explain the error you are seeing.  GPA only officially supports profiling on Android devices using Intel chips.  If you have a device with an Intel chip inside that would be ideal to connect to.

However, I can suggest a few options that may help you get unblocked.  

You say that when you try to connect to the HUAWEI device that System Analyzer says 'The platform is not debuggable'.  I do know that when  I have seen that message before that I need to put the Android device into 'debug mode' in order for GPA to correctly talk to it.  I am not sure how to do this on your specific device, unfortunately.

Also, I would suggest making sure your Nvidia drivers are correctly updated and installed - since the device info is not appearing in your GPA About details at all.  I am not sure how much this suggestion would help your situation, but it might be worth looking into.

As an update - The post you linked to in your original post - using only the Intel card in his system, Andres confirmed he does not see the error.  Only when using the Radeon card does he see it.  Using an Android device and a desktop with an Intel chip in each may be the way to go here.

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