Intel® High Level Design
Support for Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler, DSP Builder, OneAPI for Intel® FPGAs, Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™
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Intel HLS compiler does not find includes


Hi everyone


I am new to HLS and doing my first steps with the Intel HLS compiler. I am using Intel Quartus 18.1 which comes with an integrated HLS compiler and also provides with samples for people like me doing the first steps with it.

To meet the pre-requisites for the HLS compiler I have installed Visual Studio 2017 Professional edition on my computer. Then followed the installation and initialization instructions from the Intel Website:

After running the init_hls.bat I thought I am ready to run one of the first examples. So I picked the 'counter' project provided in the <quartus install dir>\hls\examples\counter folder. But when running the build.bat file I always encounter the following error:



I did some research through the web to solve this issue. Some stated that a different command prompt should be used to overcome this issue. Some said that you need to specify the correct paths. But so far I was not able to solve this issue. Can someone give me a hint what I can do so that the HLS compiler is able to find the correct paths for the standard includes?

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1 Reply

Hi Paba,

I will close this thread as this is a duplicate issue from another on-going thread.



Aik Eu

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