Intel® ISA Extensions
Use hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide more code protection in your solutions.
1126 Discussions

How to count every repeat string instruction as a single instruction when relog pinball?


When generating region pinball with Intel® Software Development Emulator (Intel® SDE), how can I make sure the sde counts every repeat string instruction as a single instruction and ignores all the internal iterations?

For example: there is a region pinball which contains 2M instructions(start:icount:8000000,stop:icount:10000000), while 20k of them are separated rep instructions. I want to generate a new region pinball which has the same start:icount and stop:icount, but counts every repeat string instruction as a single instruction and ignores all the internal iterations.

thank you very much!


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1 Reply

By default Intel SDE controller counts every repeat iteration as an instruction count.

The controller provides an option to count every repeat string instruction as a single count and skip the internal repeat counts.

Use the instcount alarm type as in start:instcount:8000000,stop:instcount:10000000.

You can get both counts with the icount tool when adding the -icount-norep knob.

More information is available in the documentation inside the kit under the doc directory.


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