Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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DMIP non-image data operations

New Contributor I
I want to derive a node that takes non-image data as input and gives non-image data as output. For this I derived class from abstract class Node_1_1_Store. But I am struggling to develop functionality of this class. Within overridden "Do" function how can I get addresses of source data and destination data. When I provide image data I am able to get source data address using following statement

Ipp8u *pSrc1 = paramCompile.pSrc[0]+(pParamExecute->offsetSrc[0].y + shift)*src1Step;

Please help me, to getting addresses of source and destination data when I provide non-image data as an input.

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1 Reply
New Contributor I
We can't derive a node that takes input as a non-image data. It is limitation of DMIP.
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