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Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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GMM Adjustment


Hello friends. Could you provide correct parameters for Gaussian Mixture  (ippiForegroundGaussianInitAlloc parameters).  I'm going to use it in indoor place with constant illumination. I have already tried to use GMM with extensive diapason of parameters, but it works unsatisfactorily. For example: Shadows aren't detected, therefore foreground is fail.


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2 Replies
Valued Contributor II
Do you mean input arguments for the ippiForegroundGaussianInitAlloc function? If Yes, then: ... // Arguments: // pSrc Source image // srcStep Step in source image // roiSize Source image ROI size. // pModel Pointer to the structure of the gaussian model. // pState Pointer to the pointer to the segmentation state structure. ... IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiForegroundGaussianInitAlloc_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppFGGaussianModel* pModel, IppFGGaussianState_8u_C1R** pState) ) IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiForegroundGaussianInitAlloc_8u_C3R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppFGGaussianModel* pModel, IppFGGaussianState_8u_C3R** pState) ) ... Or, Do you mean parameters to initialize a Gaussian Model ( IppFGGaussianModel )? >>... I have already tried to use GMM with extensive diapason of parameters, but it works unsatisfactorily. For example: >>Shadows aren't detected, therefore foreground is fail. Please provide more technical details. Thanks in advance.
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Hello Sergey. Yes, I mean values of variables in IppFGGaussianModel. Such as priorBack and others, excluding numGauss.  I suppose, that I set  wrong values. I need a template for comparison. Can you show me good values (good profile) for correct work of GMM?

Great Thanks.


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