Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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H263/264 Decoder + H263/264 Encoder -> using together -> errors?

You know, after reading and trying to rewrite two applications like simple_player and umc_video_enc_con succesfully, I got an idea:

I want to create an application that has the ability to convert a video file (not a YUV file) to another standard (not caring about audio).
So, the process will be:
1/( File -> DataReader -> Splitter -> VideoData -> Decoder -> Video Raw ): a process like simple_player.
2/ (Video Raw -> Input of umc_video_enc_con -> Encode -> another standard video file): like umc_video_enc_con.
But when I wrote the application, because I had to use the decoder and the encoder in the same project, I recognized that they couldn't be use by the same time (cause they have a lot same enums definitions, so it made redefinition errors).
I did the right way???? Someone help me.

If there's another way to do this converting idea, plz tell.

I greatly appreciate.
Bao Nguyen.

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1 Reply
Oh, thank you a lot, Nicolay! ^_^
You are so pro.

By the way, can you take a look at my other thread "Init Data Error..."?
I have a problem that I mentioned there, and till now, I don't know how to resolve it.

Once again, thank you very much.
Bao Nguyen.
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