Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

Speech Codec MIPs analysis


I would like to know if there has been performance analysis of the speech codecs supported by IPPs in terms of the MIPs? In particular G.711, G.729a/b, AMR-NB, G.722 and AMR-WB?

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New Contributor II
Quoting - chetberry

I would like to know if there has been performance analysis of the speech codecs supported by IPPs in terms of the MIPs? In particular G.711, G.729a/b, AMR-NB, G.722 and AMR-WB?

Please, download IPP Speech Codecs samples which all areinstrumented for the performance measurement.
For example,you may runin command line

usc_speech_codec -c perf.csv -timingIPP_G729A 10 or
usc_speech_codec -c perf.csv -timingIPP_AMRWB 5 etc

to measure G729A or AMRWB orany other speech codecs supported by IPP. The performance information in MHz per channel (encode, decode separately) willbe appended to perf.csv file.Then devide CPU frequency in MHz by any of these numbers to get roughly particular number of RT channel per CPU.

See the samples readme.htm files for more information.

Vyacheslav, IPP Speech
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