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ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R does not work properly with x64



It seems like there is a bug in intel ipp 7.1 and 7.0 Compression function for x64. The color conversion function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R defined in ippj.dll is not working properly. Sometimes it stucks and gets slower. I tried 100 images to compress and almost 20% of the time this function retuns pretty slow. Although the colorconversion is done but the time taken is too slow than the normal for some images randomly. Moreover this function is working properly in 32 bit version. Also I tried my application by using the function ippiBGRToYCbCR_JPEG_8u_C4P3R with x64 and this one also work properly. But the newer function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R does not. Kindly check this and response me if there is nothing wrong in the function. 

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4 Replies
Valued Contributor II
>>...Kindly check this and response me if there is nothing wrong in the function... Do you have an isolated and complete test-case for the ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R function?
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It is very difficult to catch black cat in the dark room. Any reproducible will be appreciated.

regards, Igor

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ok let me try to explain what I am experiencing. Attached are two text files in which I have taken the execution time of the colorconvert function using both  ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R and  ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C4P3R functions in x64... if you scroll down till the end you can see the big numbers in the fil ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R but on the other hand  ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C4P3R has no such things in it. Also i tried these functions using 32 bit compilation and in 32 bit dll this function works properly and did not have such big numbers in time. These results are taken using 100 jpeg images and each row in attached text files contains the time taken for a single image by the above functions. Actually images are only 4 but they are repeatedly using these functions for a total of 100 times. Please help me if you can figure out what I mean? 

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Valued Contributor II
>>... >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 34 ms >>... >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 16 ms >>... >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 27 ms >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 14 ms >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 0 ms >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 2 ms >>Time Taken in Color Convert (using function ippiBGRToYCbCr_JPEG_8u_C3P3R) : 30 ms >>... Unfortunately, It doesn't say anything for me and I hope for all the rest software engineers. Could you provide a test case?
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