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Compile Error with 2018.3.222 version mpiicc


Not sure if this is the right place to ask. Forgive me if I should ask someplace else.

I tried to compile the EPCC OpenMP/MPI benchmark  with Intel Tools 2018.3.222 version, it failed with this error:

(The source code can be downloaded from here:

mpiicc -qopenmp -O3  -o mixedModeBenchmark parallelEnvironment.o benchmarkSetup.o output.o pt_to_pt_pingpong.o pt_to_pt_pingping.o pt_to_pt_multiPingpong.o pt_to_pt_multiPingping.o pt_to_pt_haloexchange.o collective_barrier.o collective_broadcast.o collective_scatterGather.o collective_reduction.o collective_alltoall.o mixedModeBenchmarkDriver.o 

benchmarkSetup.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here

output.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here

pt_to_pt_pingpong.o:(.bss+0xd0): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here

pt_to_pt_pingping.o:(.bss+0xb4): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here


collective_alltoall.o:(.bss+0x60): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here

mixedModeBenchmarkDriver.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `myThreadID'

parallelEnvironment.o:(.bss+0xc): first defined here

make: *** [mixedModeBenchmark] Error 1



However I can compile it with version without error. 

What's the reason for the error in the  2018.3.222 version? Thanks a lot.

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