Intel® MPI Library
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HPC Usage model


We are interested in knowing your HPC usage model - Is it a production cluster, or is it a development cluster? (This means, are you doing research and can afford a little downtime, or is this a production environment and cannot afford any downtime. If you can, how much downtime can you afford?)

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
If you do get answers here, there aren't likely to be many from operators of purely production installations.
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HPC Systems are desiged to deliver incresing returns to scale within a range of production. Returns to scale are non-linear (polynomial) with design specs.

Certain massivley parallel "Supercomputers" feature linear speed-up and Scale-up performance. Linear performance improvement is inadequate for an large capital investment like supercomputers .

Where Benifits increae linearly with increase in resources project financing is difficult. Costs such debt service are polynomial functions. Such Capital assets may not attain enterprise investment required return.

HPC systems feature higher level of system utiliization that approaches continous processing. This quality is the result of both hardware and software design. Automation
of certain management functions. High levels of relability. Concurrency. Parallelism. Redunduncy. vertical intergration

HPs systems deliver decreasing cost per unit of prouduction within design parameters. HPS are more longer lived than non-HPC systmes
HPC application software is optimized for loarge scale production. Featuare verical intergrated processes. Example ERP applications which include HR, Purchassing etc.
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