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PS cluster V16.0 update 2 Windows install issue

Honored Contributor III

Installation of Windows version of Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 2 Cluster Edition over/after having Update 1 installed (and not uninstalling update 1) bombs out while trying to write to (insufficient privileges)

C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\documentation_2016\en\mkl

After Finish out of error dialog, using Windows Explorer, the mkl folder could be located in left tree pane, but contents not examined. Administrator CMD prompt could not attrib the mkl folder to get or set addributes.

I tried a few other things like renaming the mkl folder that Windows Explorer can see but the CMD window could not.

I shut everything down, rebooted, the mkl folder went away, so did some others in "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\documentation_2016\en\".

In anticipation of additional problems, I hand created the mkl and tbb folders in the above ...\en\ folder.

Reinstallation then worked.

My guess as to what happened is the update 2 performed an uninstall of V16.0 update 1...
... including the deletion of the ...\en\ sub folders, however, the means of deletion may have had pending (lazy) file deletes, resulting in the folder being marked (without accessible attribute) as to "present" but not accessible. IOW folder can be seen but not observed.

Upon reboot, those folders were then not visible, lending credibility to this assumption.

I hope this information results in a formal fix.

Jim Dempsey

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9 Replies
Honored Contributor III

In my case, the installation proceeded OK but left update 0 in place.  I downloaded the update 0 installer and used it to remove update 0 from the add/remove registration, but update 0 is still in place and working.

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Honored Contributor III

I just notices an additional issue in that the documents are not accessible. Links broken.

Running VS now bombs out.

Unable to run devenv.exe (not recognized)

Windows Explorer sees file, dir from ...\Common7 does not.

attrib not found???

Rebooting again.

Jim Dempsey


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Honored Contributor III

Reboot got devenv.exe back as well a attrib...

But running "devenv.exe /resetsettings" resulted in many "...package did not load correctly" errors.

The dialogs referenced a ...\ActivityLog.xml file to consult. Said folder and file not present.

Installation corrupted Visual Studio 2013.

VS 2010 seems to come up. Haven't tried a build.

Will have to reinstall VS 2013 (and all the updates), then reinstall PS...

Last reinstall of VS 2013 took all day. Don't know if ms websit still has update files.

Not happy.

Jim Dempsey


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Honored Contributor III

Found VS2013.4 (Update 4). Trying repair now...

Jim Dempsey

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Honored Contributor III

VS2013.4 ran up to the point of Applying KB2829760 then hung. Shut down, restarted, VS2013.4 installation resumed. Left it run overnight. This morning installation complete. Rebooted. Ran VS2013.4 to create a test application.

Created C++ test project. Didn't build yet.

Clicked: Start | All Programs | Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 | Getting Started | C++ Compiler 16.0 Update 2

Received dialog: Missing Shortcut, searching for get_started_wc.htm ...

After a while, it located the get_started_wc.htm for the 2013 update 1 version.

Back to reinstall (?repair??) PS 2016 u2....

Its snowing out side :(

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

After Repair, same symptom, broken links, when browsing from Start (Windows globe).

When using VS 2013 Help to Intel C++ documentation, this brings up the 15.0 documentation.
The project shows the correct version (Intel C++ 16.0)

Will uninstall all Intel SW tools, reboot, then reinstall 16.0 u2

Jim Dempsey

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Honored Contributor III

Uninstalled 6 years of Intel software products, rebooted, Installed PS XE 2016 u2 Cluster edition.

Start | All Programs | Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 | Getting Started | Getting Started with Cluster Edition

This opens

Click on Allow Block ActiveX Content

Click on Intel C++ Compiler (this was broken before)

Link works

[+] Training and documentation (works)

User and Reference Guide for Intel C++ 16.0 - Works Yea!!!

Now from VS 2013 Help

Help | Intel Compilers and Libraries | C++ Compiler and Documentation - Works!!

Looks like I am back up an running...Without older versions of Intel software (hope this isn't a problem).

Took about 20 hours to get through install.


Possible issue may (may stressed) have been to Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 1 (non-cluster edition) installed, then upping the license to cluster edition and installing  Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 2 Cluster Edition. I do not know if that had any impact on the installation issue, or the fact that I have various versions installed on this system (disk) over the last 6 years. PS 2011 and earlier versions of Intel software were installed, but not uninstalled. I had no hitches with updates until now.

Now on to experimenting with MPI...

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos


I've moved this thread to the correct forum.  You shouldn't have encountered any problems installing the latest version with earlier versions installed.  The only issue you should see from the license change would be that some components wouldn't install by default.  By default in the latest versions we try to follow your previous installation's selected components.

Can you post (or send me in a private message) the installation log files?  These should be in %TEMP%\pset_tmp_PSXE2016_<username>, in timestamped folders.

Intel Developer Support

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Honored Contributor III

Post made with private message.

I forgot to mention that that the failed installation also buggered up the shortcuts in the Start menu. e.g. Icons lost and link to Windows Explorer wouldn't work. I had to run SFC to repair, and reboot, to get icons back and functionality of Windows Explorer (don't know what else was broke and/or fixed).

Second system with V15 (and earlier) with all updates, plus V16 base and update 1 installed (both non-cluster). Uninstalled V16 U1, uninstalled V16.0, reboot, Install V16 u2 cluster...

Installation worked.

Jim Dempsey

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