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Unable to read restart files from previous 32-bit compilation


I am managing a Cluster of 6 Dual processors Xeon (x86_64) with Intel icc and ifort (9.1.036) compilers as well as LAM MPI for parallel jobs.

I recent updated Torque and LAM MPI using the option at 64 in the Intel compilers.

Now I have the problem that the previously generated restart binaries at 32 from one of the Quantum Chemistry codes (CPMD) has to be read by the new compiled code which is at 64 although from the same machine.

Is there any way out? Do I need to recompile the code with some suitable compilations option?

The current compiled version of the code works but it is not able to read the restart files from the previous 32 compilation.

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III
It looks like you should be asking for help on a CPMD specific site or mail list, after reading their docs. Generally speaking, there are too many possibilities. Does CPMD attempt to make the restart files compatible between various platforms? You didn't say which compilers were used to make the 32-bit restart files, or what file type they are; there is likely to be incompatibility between g77 (or certain past versions of gfortran) unformatted files and ifort.
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