Intel® MPI Library
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What licensing info should accompany Intel MPI library redistributable files?


I have developed a Windows application, using the Intel MPI library, that will be packaged up to include the Runtime Environment files (as specified by the 'redist-rt.txt' file).  As the customer has a bunch of lawyers watching over their shoulder, the licensing information for everything used in the application is being scrutinized.

Even though the 'redist-rt.txt' file itself is NOT included in its list, I thought it prudent to include it anyway in my application's package, so to prove that I was legally allowed to include those specific Intel MPI library Runtime Environment files.  However, the text in this file references the "accompanying End User License Agreement".  So, it seems as the 'mpi-rtEULA.rtf' file (in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.2.180\licensing\mpi" directory) should also be included in my application's package.  And I think the 'mpisupport.txt' file should be included too, since that identifies the version of the Intel MPI library files (version 5.1 Update 3, in this particular case).

Two questions have come up so far:

Can the 'redist-rt.txt', 'mpi-rtEULA.rtf' and 'mpisupport.txt' files be legally redistributed with the application packaging, since they are not specifically listed in the 'redist-rt.txt' file?

I have discovered that the 'mpi-rtEULA.rtf' file is exact copy of the 'mpiEULA.rtf' file.  In this 'mpi-rtEULA.rtf' file, it is clearly identifying itself as the license for the *Development* product, not the 'Runtime Environment' files.  The particular item of the EULA that was flagged by the customer's lawyers on the first pass was the '2. Consent' section, where it grants Intel the right to 'collect information'.  While that is perfectly fine for the development platform, such an item for the customer's computers (upon which the application package is to be used, with the Runtime Environment files) is absolutely NOT allowed, due to security issues.  How can I include this EULA file when it is clearly not the appropriate one for the redistribution of the Runtime Environment files?


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

You may get faster support on this question on the licensing forum


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We would like to redistribute the Intel MPI runtime with our HPC applications. The Intel MPI web pages suggest this is allowed.

However, The Intel MPI web FAQ is perhaps outdated ( and makes mention of a file "redist.txt" which I cannot find in more recent Intel MPI distributions. 

Can someone confirm that the newer "Intel Simplified Software License (Version April 2018)" in the Intel MPI distribution is the license that permits the redistribution of an/teh Intel MPI runtime with our commercial applications? 


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