Intel® MPI Library
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2224 Discussions

mpiifort and 'end-of-file during read'



I'm trying to run an MPI code compiled with mpiifort. At the begenning of the code, while trying to open and read an ASCII file (the file is read by all processors)

file_name = 'Donnees_Simulation.dat'   
Open(11,File = file_name) 

Unfortunately, I received this error where line 79 corresponds to the first Read applied to the imput file : 

mkdir ${tmpdir};cd ${tmpdir}
+ mkdir /san/home/fenni/tmp.748461
+ cd /san/home/fenni/tmp.748461
mpirun "${LOADL_STEP_INITDIR}"/myprog
+ mpirun '/san/work/fenni/Mycode/CodeFortranMPI/myprog'

forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file /san/home/fenni/tmp.748461/Donnees_Simulation.dat
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
myprog             0000000000FD722A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000FD5D26  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F859F0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F53D3E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F5327F  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F68DFE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000435A7C  scene_simulation_          79  Scene_Simulation.f90
myprog             00000000004138D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             000000000041336C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          00002B05B992AC36  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000413269  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file /san/home/fenni/tmp.748461/Donnees_Simulation.dat
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
myprog             0000000000FD722A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000FD5D26  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F859F0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F53D3E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F5327F  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000F68DFE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000435A7C  scene_simulation_          79  Scene_Simulation.f90
myprog             00000000004138D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             000000000041336C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          00002B15E666BC36  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
myprog             0000000000413269  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
rank 2 in job 1  n128_57493   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 2: return code 24 
rank 1 in job 1  n128_57493   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 1: return code 24 
rm -rf ${tmpdir}
+ rm -rf /san/home/fenni/tmp.748461

I find this, a little bizarre, since the same code run correctly on Windows with the intel compiler Composer XE 2013 and MPICH2 with the simple multi-purpose Daemon (SMPD) environment.

Can any one help please, Do this error has any relation with the compiler, did I miss any additionnal option ?



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1 Reply

Hi Ines,

I am unable to reproduce this behavior.  What Linux* distribution and filesystem are you using?  What version of the Intel® MPI Library and what compiler are you using?

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

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