Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Any possible remedy to run the job


Here I am usingSGI Altix 450 server with following configuration:

System Model : ALTIX 450 Server with Itanium2 - 32 cores @1.6 GHz

& 64GB memory

OS : SLES 10 with PPK 5

Installed compliers: 1) Intel C++ 10 Compiler Professional

2) Intel Fortron 10 Compiler Professional

I have been trying to execute the below code on SGI Altix 450 server and getting the error Segmentation fault. Where the code is exactly crashing and the snapshot of the error is appended below. The problem occurs at the segment of the code where the first parallel statement is invoked.


ajay@aquamarine:~/temp> cat runNGRI



export F_UFMTENDIAN=big

/home/ajay/temp/magLem37p192n08-v01b-Altx < in-test


Snapshot of the error:

ajay@aquamarine:~/temp> ./runNGRI

!--- PROGRAM MagLem VER_0c 12.08.2007 ---!

! Started at 31:36

! Reading control parameters!

! Reading physical parameters!

! Reading start information!

! Reading output information!

! Reading mantle information!

! Reading inner core information!

! The log-file exists already !

! I add _BIS to the tag and create new files!



mode = 12 n_time_steps = 1 tag

= b2c03a_BIS

n_tScale = 0 n_lScale = 0 alpha

= 0.60

enscale = 1.00 l_update_v = T l_update_b = T

l_update_s = T l_update_LEM = T dtstart

= 0.0000E+00

dtmax = 0.0000E+00 courfac = 2.00 alffac

= 1.00

n_cour_step = 4 difnu = 0.00 difeta

= 0.00

difkap = 0.00 difLEM = 0.00 ldif = 1

ldifexp = -1 l_correct_AMe = F l_correct_AMz = F

l_non_rot = F l_grav = T l_runTimeLimit= F

runHours = 0 runMinutes = 0 runSeconds

= 0

tEND = 0.0000E+00 nThreadsRun = 8


ra = 0.1200E+06 pr = 0.3000E+00 epsc0 =


ra_LEM = 0.0000E+00 pr_LEM = 0.3000E+01 epsc0_LEM =


prmag = 0.0000E+00 ek = 0.1000E-02 radratio =


Lewis Nr. = 0.1000E+02

ktops = 1 kbots = 1

ktopv = 2 kbotv = 2

ktopb = 1 kbotb = 1

ktopLEM = 1 kbotLEM = 1

Bottom boundary l,m,S:

Top boundary l,m,S:


l_start_file= F l_reset_t = F start_file =


inform = -1 scale_s = 1.00 scale_LEM = 1.00

scale_b = 1.00 scale_v = 1.00

init_s1 = 0 amp_s1 = 1.000

init_s2 = 0 amp_s2 = 0.000

init_LEM1 = 0 amp_LEM1 = 1.000

init_LEM2 = 0 amp_LEM2 = 0.000

init_v1 = 0 amp_v1 = 0.000

init_b1 = 0 amp_b1 = 1.000

imagcon = 0 tipdipole = 0.0000E+00


n_graph_step = 0 n_graphs = 1

t_graph_start = 0.0000E+00 t_graph_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_graph

= 0.0000E+00

n_rst_step = 0 n_rsts = 1

t_rst_start = 0.0000E+00 t_rst_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_rst

= 0.0000E+00

n_stores = 1 n_log_step = 100 n_logs

= 0

t_log_start = 0.0000E+00 t_log_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_log

= 0.0000E+00

n_p_step = 0 n_ps = 0

t_p_start = 0.0000E+00 t_p_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_p

= 0.0000E+00

n_spec_step = 0 n_specs = 0

t_spec_start = 0.0000E+00 t_spec_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_spec

= 0.0000E+00

n_cmb_step = 0 n_cmbs = 0

t_cmb_start = 0.0000E+00 t_cmb_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_cmb

= 0.0000E+00

l_movie = F n_movie_step = 0

n_movie_frames= 0

t_movie_start = 0.0000E+00 t_movie_stop = 0.0000E+00 dt_movie

= 0.0000E+00

l_ravrg = F l_lFlowScl = F

ngform = 0 ns_r_gra = 1 ns_theta_gra

= 1

ns_phi_gra = 1 ns_r_ic_gra = 1 ns_r_mov

= 1

ns_theta_mov = 1 ns_phi_mov = 1 ns_r_ic_mov

= 1

ns_theta_sur = 2 ns_phi_sur = 2 l_average

= 0

l_cmb_field = 0 l_dt_cmb_field= 0 l_save_out

= T

l_true_time = F lVerbose = T l_rMagSpec

= F

l_DTrMagSpec = F l_max_cmb = F l_max_v_r

= F

l_hel = F l_AM = F l_power

= F

l_drift = F l_TO = F l_TOmovie

= F

l_storeBpot = F l_storeVpot = F l_RMS

= F


nRotMa = 0 conductance_ma= 0.0000E+00 rho_ratio_ma

= 0.1000E+01

omega_ma1 = 0.0000E+00 omegaOsz_ma1 = 0.0000E+00 tShift_ma1

= 0.0000E+00

omega_ma2 = 0.0000E+00 omegaOsz_ma2 = 0.0000E+00 tShift_ma2

= 0.0000E+00


nRotIc = 0 sigma_ratio = 0.0000E+00 rho_ratio_ic

= 0.1000E+01

omega_ic1 = 0.0000E+00 omegaOsz_ic1 = 0.0000E+00 tShift_ic1

= 0.0000E+00

omega_ic2 = 0.0000E+00 omegaOsz_ic2 = 0.0000E+00 tShift_ic2

= 0.0000E+00

BIC = 0.0000E+00

! Uneven load balancing in LM blocks!

! Load percentage of last block: 2.60223048327138

1 1 269 269

2 270 538 269

3 539 807 269

4 808 1076 269

5 1077 1345 269

6 1346 1614 269

7 1615 1883 269

8 1884 2145 269

!-- Blocking information:

! Number of LM-blocks: 8

! Size of LM-blocks: 269

! nChunk : 512

! nThreads: 8

! nThreadsRB: 8

! nThreadsMLB: 8

! Number of theta blocks: 6

! size of theta blocks: 16

! ideal size (nfs): 16

! Max thread number available : 32

! Max thread number demanded : 8

! Max thread number compiled : 8

! Number of threads I will use: 8

! Fourier factors= 2 3 4 4


! Using dtMax time step: 0.100000D-04

! Thermo-comp. convection without mag field [conv+heat+comp]

! Normalized OC moment of inertia: 0.143646D+02 ! Normalized IC moment of inertia: 0.758441D-01 ! Normalized MA moment of inertia: 0.284846D+03 ! Normalized IC volume: 0.653962D+00 ! Normalized OC volume: 0.145988D+02

! Grid parameters:

n_r_max = 37 = number of radial grid points

n_cheb_max = 35

max cheb deg.= 34

n_phi_max = 192 = no of longitude grid points

n_theta_max = 96 = no of latitude grid points

n_r_ic_max = 17 = number of radial grid points in IC

n_cheb_ic_max= 14

max cheb deg = 28

l_max = 64 = max degree of Plm

m_max = 64 = max oder of Plm

lm_max = 2145 = no of l/m combinations

minc = 1 = longitude symmetry wave no


start_time = 0.0000000000D+00

step no = 0

start dt = 1.0000D-05


! Starting time integration!

! Starting time step 1

! Starting radial loop!

Entering wallTime

Exiting wallTime

Entering RadialLoop

./runNGRI: line 4: 28576 Segmentation fault (error)


Please suggest possible remedy.

With kind regards,

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