Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Intel Software Tools that support Ruby on Rails


I have a requirement to develop web based application for Research & Labs that remotely connet to server and this app which will be used by Sceintist and R&D Depts.

My client wants this app to be developed on Ruby on Rails and I petty new to these environment and request for help with best information.

I am excited to use Intel tools like VTune or Compliers but don't know which all tools will support Ruby on Rails.

Request Intel Team and Industry experts to suggest me all the Intel Software Tools that support Ruby on Rails.

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1 Reply
Valued Contributor I
Quoting - Khan

I have a requirement to develop web based application for Research & Labs that remotely connet to server and this app which will be used by Sceintist and R&D Depts.

My client wants this app to be developed on Ruby on Rails and I petty new to these environment and request for help with best information.

I am excited to use Intel tools like VTune or Compliers but don't know which all tools will support Ruby on Rails.

Request Intel Team and Industry experts to suggest me all the Intel Software Tools that support Ruby on Rails.


Hi Khan,

I don't know about Intel Compilers for Ruby on Rails. However, you can use VTune for .NET apps. Therefore, if you work with IronRuby, you'll be able to take advantage of VTune.

Besides, you can call C# code from Ruby. Therefore, you can take advantage of MKL (Math Kernel Library) and its great optimizations from Ruby code calling its implementation in C#, again, this is possible working with IronRuby.

You can check a post from Scott Hanselman explaining how to call C# code from IronRuby. It's an old post, however, it can be useful to give you an idea of the possibilities.


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