Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Intel Threading Tools 2.0 released

New Contributor I
The Intel Thread Checker 2.0 and Thread Profiler 2.0 products are available now. Versions 2.0 add many new features including integration with the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET* Development Environment and support for the Microsoft Visual* C++ .NET* Compilers. These are available to all currently registered customers. For more information about these products, please visit

One major feature that has been added is the ability to run Thread Profiler on applications using Win32 Threads, not just OpenMP. For details on this and other new features, please visit

-- clay

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2 Replies
New Contributor I
Intel Developer Services has posted an article on using the Intel Threading Tools with OpenMP.
Sure, I'm blowing my own horn here (toot toot), but there are still some good ideas about how to utilize the Intel Threading Tools that may not have occurred to those that have used them and those that haven't.
-- clay
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New Contributor I

Details on the Thread Profiler for Win32 threads has been published on the Intel Developer Services website. The first part of a two-part article is Using Intel Thread Profiler for Win32* Threads: Philosophy and Theory. This part gives the background needed to understand the data that is collected and displayed by the tool.

Rather than make you wait for the conclusion, the second part is available at Using Intel Thread Profiler for Win32* Threads: Nuts and Bolts. This part describes how data gathered can be displayed and how to use the tool effectively.

-- clay
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