Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

MPI stops stoichastically

New Contributor III


I have used MPI to parallelize my code using ifort and Windows. The code stops stoichastically, mainly at one function call. When I eliminated this call it stops at other positions.

I am not sure if the stop is due to Fortran or to MPI. I have tried to move to OpenMP, but I am not sure if this is possible due to assumed-size arrays.

If this is a known problem with MPI, can I move to ifx+MPI or back to older ifort and/or MPI versions? This is a very severe problem in my case, as the code has to be restarted regularly.

I have used the MPI debugger at the highest level, but I did not find any understandable error code.

Best regards


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