Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Q&A: Monitoring FSB Activity


The following is a question received by Intel Software Network Support, followed by the response from the authors of the article.

Q. I read Sergey Zheltov and Stanislav Bratanov's article entitledMeasuring Performance on HT-Enabled Multi-Core: Advantages of a Thread-Oriented Approach. What is the best way of monitoring FSB activity (through software, e.g. taskmgr)? Is there a free app?

A. Here is a list of publicly availabletools that may be used for FSB activity investigation:


  • Microsoft Visual Studio* 2005 this tool has an integrated performance analyzer. It hasnt got exact FSB activity counters (like FSB utilization), but has enough performance counters to analyze memory problems in an application.
  • (free) Microsoft Perfmon* this is a Windows* integrated tool. It has many parameters which can be used to understand a problem. Users also may extend it with new counters (please see the Windows* SDK for details).
  • (free) For memory subsystem investigation, we would also recommend RightMark Memory Analyzer* tool.

One may also consider using the TraceLog tool available in the Windows* XP/2003 DDK. The tool may help detect memory paging problems and also correlate the collected data with thread activity.


Lexi S.

IntelSoftware NetworkSupport

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Another of our engineers adds:

Using performance monitoring events is likely to be the least invasive method to characterize FSB activities associated with the interaction between a workload and the platform hardware. The key to using any of the performance monitoring tools is to use the proper performance monitoring events to study various key aspects of FSB activities. There are specific events that are useful to study FSB latency, throughput. Usually, more in-depth analysis are necessary to gain insights on various factors that influence average FSB latency/throughtput. Appendix B of the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Optimization Manual can help you narrow down the performance events to analyze FSB activities.


Lexi S.

IntelSoftware NetworkSupport

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