Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Q&A: Porting to a 64-bit Platform


These questions were received by Intel Software Network Support about the original article located at, followed by the responses received:

Q. I have a large project on VCwhich includes some third party .cpp & header files. Now I would like to make it 64-bit .NET platform compatible and that too without using any third party interfaces. What would I need to do? Please help me out in this regard.

A. Removing dependencies on 3rd-party interfaces means implementing equivalent services in your own code without violating the 3rd-party's intellectual property. Once that's been done in the 32-bit version of the code, then go through the process of porting it to 64-bit like any other codebase: Use the /Wp64 flag to find the easy 64-bit issues in your 32-bit code, and then build and test with the 64-bit compiler. Porting the codebase to the .Net interfaces is a similar process, and can be complicated if you are porting from native (C/C++) to managed code (C#) that uses different APIs.


Gina B.
Intel Software Network Support

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