Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.
1696 Discussions

tcheck_cl.exe does not show all Diagnostics as with GUI?

I know I'm doing something wrong, but when I run my exe through Intel Thread Checker, I get a nice Diagnostics screen showing all the threading errors, warnings etc etc, but I can't seem get this information from the command line.

In the commandline I do this:
1. Run tcheckvars.bat
2. cd to a temp dir and run this: tcheck_cl.exe --reinstrument MyUnitTest.exe
And the output doesn't have any information that remotely looks like the data in the GUI:
|ID |Short Description etc. etc. etc.
|1 |Thread termination etc. etc. etc.
| |

I don't have TC_OPTIONS set. What am I doing wrong?
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