Intel® Optane™ Memory
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Can't install Optane Memory.


I bought an Intel Optane Memory to install it on my Asus Maximus IX Hero motherboard. I updated my BIOS to the last and required version, did the installation on the M2.2 port 2X, did the BIOS configurations requiered, but when i tried to install the "SetupOptaneMemory" file, it says my BIOS isn't corrected set.

What can I do?

0 Kudos
27 Replies

Hello RFBertelli,

It sounds like your BIOS might be operating in Legacy Mode instead of UEFI, which is required.

You can check this in your BIOS, for an ASUS* system it should look like this:

or within Windows* through System Information (Windows* Key + R > Type "msinfo32" and press OK > Click on System Summary then look for "BIOS Mode" in the right pane).

If your OS is reporting UEFI mode, but your BIOS CSM is set to AUTO instead of Disabled, you will need to disable this altogether then try again.

However, if you're using Legacy BIOS you can't just flip the switch and start using UEFI mode. There are two methods that can be used to make this conversion, depending on which Windows® 10 build you're on.

Method 1:

Requirements: 64-bit Windows* 7/8.1 or Windows® 10 (Any build before Creators Update).

Guide: Converting Windows BIOS installation to UEFI

NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.

Method 2: using mbr2gpt.exe

Requirements: Windows® 10 Creators Update 64-bit

1. Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges (Right click start menu, select Command Prompt (Admin))


2. Type: mbr2gpt.exe /convert /allowfullOS


3. Boot into your BIOS and disable CSM / legacy BIOS.

If you're not on Creators Update (Red Stone 2), then I highly recommend you apply this update first, as the process is much simpler.

Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Well, I did the method 2 to turn to UEFI mode.

The System Information shows my BIOS mode UEFI, my BIOS CSM is set to Disable.

But when I try to install the "SetupOptaneMemory" file, it says may disc partition can't be changed. and nothing happen.

If I try to install the "SetupRST" file, it installs, but after reboot, it doesn't show the Optane menu, it only shows my Sata HD.

Can you help me?

That is the error.

That is how is my HD. My OS is on Disc2, C, and it has more than 200 GB of free space.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



This error happens when there's a recovery partition at the end of your drive. This is a protected partition type, meaning it cannot be resized nor deleted by normal means.



However, there's always a way. Luckily in this case there are a couple of things that can be done.



The safest is to create a Windows® 10 Recovery Drive. For this you'll need an USB flash drive:



- Create a recovery drive - by Microsoft* Support.



NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.



At the end of this process your system should give you the option to delete your recovery partition. After this you can format your flash drive again, or save it somewhere in case you actually need it.



The other option would be using a paid third-party tool such as Ease US Partition Master*. This tool would allow you to simply delete the partition and extend your system drive to take up that space.



Once you have done either of those, the Optane™ Memory Software should be able to proceed with the system acceleration process.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Did it, the installation goes on. After the reboot, i run the Intel Optane Memory app and it shows "an error ocurred, error code 0XA0080001, and nothing else.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



I'm not familiar with that error code, we will need to look into this.



Please uninstall your Optane™ Software, then reinstall it. If the error shows up again, we would like to have the following:



1. A screenshot of the error message.


2. A new screenshot of your Disk Management (Gerenciamento de Disco)


3. Your Intel® Optane™ Memory logs located under: C:\Users\[your user name]\Intel\Logs\


4. Download and run the Intel® System Support Utility. Select to scan for everything, then save and share the report generated.



Attachments can be enabled by using the "advanced editor" (option located at the top right) while replying.



We look forward to hearing back from you.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Now everything go very bad.

The PC doesn't start anymore. I'm stocked on this. Did everything I could and nothing works anymore.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,

That's unfortunate. Did you manage to enable system acceleration, and then received this error?

If you created a Recovery Media as suggested in our previous post, that might be able to get your system running again. If not, we can suggest the following:

1. Connect your boot drive to another computer as secondary and back up your files (if this is an option).


2. Create a Windows® 10 installation media.

3. Reconnect your HDD and reinstall your operating system. Since Windows® 10 uses digital entitlement, it should activate automatically without needing a product key.

NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.

With a clean installation of Windows® 10 you shouldn't run into any issues enabling system acceleration, but if you do, let us know.

Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hi. I get this after uninstalling the Optane Setup and installing again.

I did the recovery media, but it keeps me stucked here:

I'd try every single option, every menu, every submenu and nothing works. Not even start on security mode, nothing. I don't see any good solution. Because I had a small HD, my user file, program files are all on another HD. I think if I install a new OS I'll loose everything and will need to install all over again. Unfortunately, it is work for days and days. Thanks for your help. I'll try, and lets see what happen.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



We can understand why you would like to avoid having to start over from scratch. We hope the clean installation resolves the problem. Let us know how things work out.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos


I finally backed up my HD and start all from zero.

I'm following this:

and this: How to Configure, Install, and Manage Intel® Optane™ Memory Before...

I already donwload the ISO from the link you gave me.

I donwload all drivers needed ( and install the Rufus software asked.

I used Rufus as showed on the vídeo, made the changes needed on it, and the USB with Windows 10 ISO is on it.

Created the temporary file, the 3 files inside it, unzip de f6flpy in drivers file, but that start to become diferente from the instructions.

As you can see on the image bellow, there are fews files on tjhe unziped file that are on the instructions.

Well, I thought it could be just because the new file f6flpy is newer then the version showed on the instructions. And I moved on.

But than a bigger problem showed up. The next step was to copy a "" file from the USB ISO to the file that I created. But that file doesn't exist. I tried to show hidden files, extensions, and nothing.

Here what I have:

There is just a "install.esd" file.

And now I'm stucked.


Can you please help me?
0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



While those are good steps, they're optional and on the advanced side.



I would rather you follow my instructions from the following thread:






Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hi. I know you'll get this just on monday, but here we go.

I did what's said on the thread.

Made the clean installation of Win10, with the propperly BIOS modifications.

Intall the IntelOptaneMemory. Reboot.

Then, when i run the app, it says that is impossible to activate the Intel Optane Memory. My system seens to be ready, but none memory module has been detected. So, I changed the module to another M2.2 door and the same happens.

I don't know what to do anymore.



0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



This is not what we expected to hear.



Could you please go to your BIOS > Advanced > Intel® Rapid Storage Technology >



Here you should be able to see the Optane™ Memory module (it's model number and capacity should be displayed). Once you click on it, you may get the option to reset the module. If this is available, do it and then try to go back and enable system acceleration.



Let us know how this turns out.



Best regards,


Carlos A.


0 Kudos


Unfortunelly it doesn't show the Optane Memory.

I can see it as HD, it appears on disk management, appears on devices management, but doens't appear on BIOS.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



Since both M.2 slots are Optane™ Memory Ready, you shouldn't have to swap slots.



Please perform a low-level format on your memory module and run the setup again to see if the error is resolved:



1. Right click on your start menu (or Windows* key + X), and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" from the dropdown list.


2. Start the diskpart utility: diskpart


3. View list of available drives: list disk


4. Select your Optane™ Memory: select disk # (replace "# " for the disk number next to your module found on the previous table).


5. Issue command for low-level format: clean all


1. Note: diskpart clean all will take several minutes to complete, this utility doesn't have a progress bar, nor a completion message. Once complete you will simply see a new a "C:\windows\system32> _" line.


6. Restart your system.


7. Run the Optane™ Memory setup, let us know if it's now able to complete successfully.



Best regards,


Carlos A.


0 Kudos


Unfortunelly now I'm back to the same issue days ago. I did the "clean all" procedure, but when I try to install Optane Memory setup, it says "the last partition of your system drive cannot be resized".

And if I try to install the SetupRST, the installation goes on, I can see the "active Optane Memory" option, but when I click on it, it doesn't show any Optane Memory to choose to active.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,



What is the last partition on your boot drive now? If you have a recovery or EFI partition there, our software will have no way to resize it in order to write the necessary metadata. If it's a regular partition, you may be able to manually shrink it by 5MB and then enable system acceleration.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos


As I said, I came back to the same problem days ago, when i tryed to erase the last partition and my computer crashed.

As you can see on the picture, the last partition can't be resized, moved or even deleted.

0 Kudos

Hello RFBertelli,

This is the same issue that we discussed originally.

Aside from our previous suggestions, you may try the following method using diskpart:

1. Open a Command Prompt with administrator rights (right click start menu, select Command Prompt (Admin) from the list)


2. Start diskpart tool: diskpart


3. Show connected drives: list disk


4. Identify your boot drive (may be disk 2, but confirm based on size), and select it: select disk 2


5. Show the partitions on this drive: list partition


6. Select your recovery partition, in my example it was partition 1, but in yours it may be partition 4: select partition 4


7. Issue override command to delete partition: delete partition override


8. Open Disk Management and confirm the partition is gone. Run Optane™ Memory setup and enable system acceleration.


9. From Disk Management, right click your (C:) partition, extend to the end of your drive.

Do let us know if you run into any additional problems.

Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos


I did the partition override, installed the Intel Optane Setup, but when I run the app, it says there is no optane memory installed.

I uninstalled the app, did a clean all on disk 0 (the Optane), reinstall Optane Setup, and again, no Optane disk.

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