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1367 Discussions

Can't load windows 10 after trying to disable optane

Hi all. I hope someone can help me as i have no backup or windows recovery point available.
So it all started when i saw my dell insperion 7391 2n1 was running slow so ive Decided to check the cpu and memory consumption and i saw that intel optane takes 15-25 cpu and ram.
I opened the optane application and i got a systems message Saying that i can run my computer faster i i disable and re enable optane in profomance mode but whil it was loading my pc shut down for now reason and now windows wont load and even the dell applications installed won't assist with anything... both startup repair and safe mode not working... any ideas how to resolve this and restore my windows?
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1 Reply

Hello, Helpme1.


This thread will be closed as a duplicate of the original one (, and you can continue posting there if you have any updates or any other comments you will like to share with the community.


This thread will be closed as a duplicate of the original one (, but you can continue posting there if you have any updates or any other comments you will like to share with the community.


I completely understand your situation, unfortunately, and as mentioned in the original thread, there are no OS recovery methods we can provide, that is the reason why it is recommended to contact the system manufacturer for assistance. I also noticed that you have already contacted them and their recommendation was similar to ours; getting in touch with a data recovery company that can help recover the information.


Best regards,


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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