Intel® Optane™ Memory
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1365 Discussions

Old Intel memory chip 2001 Non-Volatile RAM


We need datasheet on old Intel memory chip 2001 Non-Volatile RAM in order to repare old device. 

INTEL Memory Components Handbook (210830-005) 1986 contains it.

Can you help?

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1 Reply

Hello, Igor_CH.

Thank you for posting on the community support forum for Intel® Optane™.

Due to this product being discontinued, Intel Customer Service no longer supports inquiries for it, but perhaps fellow community members have the knowledge to jump in and help. You may also find the Discontinued Products website ( helpful to address your request..

The thread will remain open in case other community members would like to participate, but it will not be monitored for Intel support. If you require any type of assistance from Intel in the future, please review the available community forums for the most appropriate section for your inquiry or review the contact us page and select the product you need assistance with (

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,

Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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