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1370 Discussions

Optane Memory 32G Disables after shutdowns.


Hi there. I'm sitting with a problem and need assistance with my Optane memory that disables my drive after shutdowns. I've got the latest optane software installed but it did it with the previous version also .

If I enable my 32Gig optane memory with my WD 4TB Red hardrive everything works perfect even If i restart my PC or for as long as I use it but when I shutdown my PC on first boot my PC disables my optane

memory in windows from that drive and I have to enable it again and do restarts again with the process then it works fine again until I shutdown my PC.Can you please assist me.

My system

Intel 8700K

Asus Maximus X hero Z370 MB

Corsair 16Gig 300Mhz memory

Asus 980Ti 6gig

2 x 250 Gig Samsung SSD

1 x 2TB seagate storage

1 x 4TB WD Red for games linked with Optane memory 32Gig

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2 Replies

Hello G3n-AK47,



Thanks for posting in the Intel® Optane™ Memory community.



What Windows version are you using and what Windows built do you have?



The issue only happens when accelerating the WD storage? Have you tested accelerating a different storage?



Is the WD storage your primary drive? For primary drive I refer to it been your boot drive.



If you the WD drive is not your primary drive, have you followed the configuration steps provided by Intel to accelerate your secondary drive?



Please check the following statement:



- Secondary drive type: Press Windows logo + X > Disk Management > Right click on secondary drive and select Properties > Move to Volumes tab to find the drive type. Drives that are Type 'Dynamic' aren't supported. Drive must be in Type 'Basic'.



Best Regards,


Juan N.
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Hello G3n-AK47,



I would like to know if you have any additional question regarding this post.



Best Regards,


Juan N.
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