Intel® Optane™ Solid State Drives
Support for Issues Related to Solid State Drives based on Intel® Optane™ technology, Intel® MAS and Firmware Update Tool
440 Discussions

Help with error "no screens found(EE)" using SSD Firmware Update Tool?


Errors during boot.

  • modprobe: module i915 not found in modules.dep
  • (EE) no screens found(EE)

While attempting to update firmware of Intel SSD 600p using Firmware Update Tool ISO 2.1.7 from:

Followed instructions to create bootable USB drive from separate Windows computer.

USB drive appears to boot successfully.

Linux begins to load.

X Server fails to start.

Laptop details:

Dell Latitude E5470

Intel Skylake 6820HQ

Intel 530HD GPU

600p SSD in M.2 slot on PCIe

OS: Fedora 25

Screenshot of error:

Laptop details from BIOS:

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24 Replies


After expressing dissatisfaction I recieved following instruction:

There is another tool called iRMFUU which can be used to update the firmware on SSD 540s/Pro 5400s/E 5400s/DC S3100 Series when the FUT (SSD Firmware update tool) doesn't work (gives some errors)

The user guide can be found inside of the zip file.

The iRMFUU has to be executed from Command Prompt (in Admin mode; only windows).

Tested, it works perfectly!

After the update has to be PC shut down, restart is not enough.

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For anyone having this problem (and for Intel's engineering team), the root cause of the issue is that the Linux kernel included in the Intel SSD Firmware Update Tool is too old to support newer graphics adapters (e.g. Skylake). The kernel included with the update tool is 3.14.19, while the current stable kernel is 4.10.2 as of today. This is not a problem with chipsets or graphics adapters.

It's possible to work around this issue (unofficially, of course) using an up-to-date live environment. I used a Linux Mint USB stick I happened to have lying around, but any live Linux environment capable of running 32-bit software should work. (A pure 64-bit environment like Slackware Live won't work, since the update tool is 32-bit.)

I've tested this procedure using an Intel NUC 6i7KYK (Skylake) with dual Intel 600p 256 GB SSDs. Your mileage may vary on other hardware. Back up your data before attempting any firmware upgrade.

The first step is to boot from the live environment, then download the Intel SSD Firmware Update Tool ISO file from inside the live environment.

After downloading the ISO file, open a terminal window inside the live environment. Become root using sudo su - and create a loopback mount directory by running mkdir /mnt/loop

Next, loopback-mount the ISO file:

mount -o ro,loop /home/mint/Downloads/issdfut_2.1.7.iso /mnt/loop

Now, we need to obtain a decompressed copy of the initrd (RAM disk image) on which Intel's tools are located:

lzcat /mnt/loop/initrd > /root/initrd-uncompressed

Once this is done, unmount the ISO file using: umount /mnt/loop

Now, we need to loopback mount the uncompressed initrd file:

mount -o loop,ro /root/initrd-compressed /mnt/loop

Finally, to run the actual update tool, run the following two commands in order:

cd /mnt/loop/usr/bin


After accepting the license agreement, you should be able to update the firmware. (I already updated mine in the screenshot below, but I ran it again to verify the update succeeded.)

At the end of the process, either let the window time out, or click Shutdown Now. Your computer won't actually shut down automatically, so you will need to shut it down using the menu in the live environment.

Hopefully, Intel will update the Yocto version in their tool build, thereby getting a newer kernel and making this post obsolete .


mikemurphycs That worked worked GREAT! Thank you.

I had tried extracting initrd and copying issdfut to the host (full install, not LiveUSB) to execute, but that never worked.

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Hello all,



Last week Intel released the new version of the Firmware Update Tool, this version fixes the problem pointed in this thread. In case anyone else needs to update the firmware on the SSD, here is the link.





Nestor C
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