Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16682 Discussions

10 bit shift register megafunction

Honored Contributor II

When I use the Megafunction wizard to make a 10 bit shift register, the result does not have the I/O lines connected and there is what looks to be a table inside the design. I am not able to connect nodes to this part. What am I missing? I also have a 10 bit counter that behaves the same way.

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I'm not using schematic entry usually, but if I go to the schematic entry symbol tool and select a lpm_shiftreg MegaFunction, I can't manage to create a block symbol without in- or outputs. I really wonder, how you achieved it?

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Honored Contributor II

The design is set up as a project for the Max II family (EPM240). Is the limitation due to that? As far as creating the part, I just used the Wizard and entered '10' as the number of bits. If I change it to 8, it works fine.

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Honored Contributor II

There's no difference between FPGA and MAX II in this regard. I think, it's just some confusion in handling the MegaWizard tool.

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Honored Contributor II

So, tonite everything is working perfectly. I have no explanation except that it is Friday and some software elf finally decided to get to work. I will say that yesterday, Quartus was a fresh install, and maybe it took several invocations before the bits got connected.

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Honored Contributor II


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So, tonite everything is working perfectly. I have no explanation except that it is Friday and some software elf finally decided to get to work. I will say that yesterday, Quartus was a fresh install, and maybe it took several invocations before the bits got connected. 

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Hi Corwin, 


there are two ways to generated a "symbol" for your block. When you use the Megawizard 

it will generated a symbol for for you with all the ports.  


I assume the "symbol" you posted in your first post is generated with the so-called block editor. It is available when you opened the schematic view. You have to define the ports as properties. As far as a know you have to use "Conduits" to connect such blocks. I never used that in my designs. 


Kind regards 


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