Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16875 Discussions

ALTDDIO_IN pipeline delay differs from documentation

Honored Contributor II

I'm using MegaWizard on Quartus II 9.0 to generate a DDR input buffer, and the hardware being synthesized doesn't match the documentation. The documentation ( and shows the same pipeline delay for both ddr_out_h and ddr_out_l. See the first attached image (Fig 10-1). 


The logic actually produced is shown in the second attached image (RTL viewer screenshot). This delays ddr_out_l by one clock cycle relative to ddr_out_h. I've checked and invert clock input is not selected in MegaWizard. I can easily add a register to ddr_out_h to match the delay, but if Altera fixes this discrepancy, it could break the design. Is the documentation correct, or the implementation? Has this bug been fixed in a later version of Quartus? Figure 10–4 in also doesn't match the logic in Figure 10-1, data_in_h and data_in_l are swapped. 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The altddio user guide shows a circuit corresponding to the second (RTL) schematic in all versions I'm aware of (Figure 1-1 in V4.1 - V10.0). The Cyclone (I) Handbook circuit is actually different. Beginning with Cyclone II, the documentations seems to be consistent in this regard.

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Honored Contributor II

Is this also relevant to Cyclone IV devices? Other than this document I can't seem to find any specific Cyclone documentation that shows this, and Figure 3-1 seems to be specific to Apex II and Stratix series. If Figure 3-1 is correct, is the Cyclone handbook actually wrong, or not relevant to Cyclone II and above? 


I'm also somewhat confused by the invert_input_clocks parameter of the ALTDDIO_IN megafunction. Does this simply invert the input clock right at the front end and therefore the dataout_h and dataout_l outputs then become synchronous to the falling edge?  

Edit: More specifically, does dataout_h and dataout_l relate to the actual input clock edge rather than the inverted clock edge? 


It would be really useful to have a full diagram similar to Figure 3-1 for Cyclone devices showing this. 



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