Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

AXI Problem when simulating Cyclone 5 SOC in Cadence NCSim

Honored Contributor II

I've got an SOC design that im trying to simulate in cadence NCSim 15.20-s005, and when the reset to the h2f_lw_axi module is asserted, i get the error "testbench.dut.ufpga_core_inst.mm_interconnect_0.hps_0_h2f_lw_axi_master_rd_limiter: Error: unexpected response: pending_response_count underflow", and then the AXI repeats the last few transactions that it did before the reset, often resulting in a failure for reset tests that want to check the effected registers after reset.  


I've tried digging around probing signals within that module, but the problem hasn't revealed itself. 

my task for executing an axi transaction was written using the mentor_vip_ae_usr.pdf guide, and is  


task automatic fpga_reg_write; input addressi; input datai; begin `bfm.wait_on(AXI_CLOCK_POSEDGE); $display ("TSK: Register write, adddress %h, data %h, at time %t", addressi, datai, $time); write_TH = $sdi_transaction("", my_FH, "FPGAWriteType", "FPGARegWrite", "Write FPGA Register through AXI"); $sdi_set_attribute(write_TH, "Address", addressi); $sdi_set_attribute(write_TH, "Write Data", datai); trans = `bfm.create_write_transaction(addressi); trans.set_data_words(datai, 0); trans.set_write_strobes(4'b0011, 0); `bfm.execute_transaction(trans); repeat (4) @(posedge clk_25 $sdi_end_transaction(write_TH); end endtask 


am i doing anything wrong here to instigate this problem? 



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