Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Add/Subtract Two numbers in verilog HDL

Honored Contributor II

Hi I'm new in quartus II. 


I would just like to ask on how to implement 

2-digit Adder / Subractor 

HEX3 = +/- 

SW[7:0] = BCD 

PB[0] = + 

PB[1] = - 

PB[2] = = 

PB[3] = reset 


we are using a hardware called Cyclone II. 

I have tried a code but it does not finish compiling. I don't know why. 

Can someone help me?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You must write HDL (Hardware Description Language) code, not programming code. 

What you describe in your code is supposed to be synthesized into logic gates, not to be executed by a processor. 

I think your present code is useless and it needs to be completely rewritten.  

A few hints: 

- those while loops make no sense. Remember: this is HDL, not software  

- the hex to bcd decoders could be more conveniently fitted into a reusable submodule 

- use a clock to sync the whole process 

- take a basic HDL course or read a Verilog tutorial
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