Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

Attempt to view AOCL profile info results in java NullPointerException

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I started working with Altera OpenCL a few weeks ago and I am still trying to get familiar with the collection of tools provided with the Altera SDK for OpenCL. 

Right now, I am having trouble to get the AOCL profile information viewer up and running as any attempt to launch it results into the following error: 

"Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException". 

Any idea on how to get rid of this exception?:( 


The system I am currently using runs Windows 7 (64-bits) and has a Stratix V FPGA board connected via PCIe. 

Also, I am working with Altera SDK for OpenCL v14.0.2.209 and the application I used is the JPEG Decoder Design Example provided by Altera: 


Here is a description of steps I went through: 

- Compiled the kernel to obtain the .aocx file including profiling instrumentation 

Command: "aoc --profile -v --board s5phq_d5 device/ -o bin/jpeg_decoder.aocx" 

- Imported the Visual Studio project to VS2013 and built it to obtain the jpeg_decoder.exe executable (copied to bin directory) 

- Ran the application to generate the profile.mon file 

Command: "jpeg_decoder.exe 1.jpeg 1.ppm" 

- Invoked the AOCL profile information viewer 

Command: "aocl report jpeg_decoder.aocx profile.mon" 


Attached is a screenshot of the actual error message. 



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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Thank you for the report. I will try to replicate the issue. 


There were a couple of profiler bugs that were fixed in 14.1; this may be one of them. I recommend updating, if possible.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Outku, 


Thanks for the reply and for your advice. 

Actually, I have contacted Altera's support yesterday and they suggested the same: a clean install of Quartus 14.1, which I did. 

Unfortunately, tough the error message changes slightly, the problem seems to remain (c.f. screenshot attached). 


By the way, support member pointed out that environment variables needed to be set correctly, which I checked successfully (ALTERAOCLSDKROOT, QSYS_ROOTDIR and QUARTUS_ROOTDIR). 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Hi Outku, 


Thanks for the reply and for your advice. 

Actually, I have contacted Altera's support yesterday and they suggested the same: a clean install of Quartus 14.1, which I did. 

Unfortunately, tough the error message changes slightly, the problem seems to remain (c.f. screenshot attached). 


By the way, support member pointed out that environment variables needed to be set correctly, which I checked successfully (ALTERAOCLSDKROOT, QSYS_ROOTDIR and QUARTUS_ROOTDIR). 



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did you try to rebuild .aocx and rerun the host to produce profile.mon with 14.1? Or, did you just do "aocl report" with the 14.1 using your 14.0 old files? 


I tried the jpeg_decoder here with 14.1 and the profiler works as expected.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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did you try to rebuild .aocx and rerun the host to produce profile.mon with 14.1? Or, did you just do "aocl report" with the 14.1 using your 14.0 old files? 


I tried the jpeg_decoder here with 14.1 and the profiler works as expected. 

--- Quote End ---  



Good thing that you mentioned it! Actually, I have not rebuilt the .aocx using 14.1. I only re-used the .aocx and profile.mon I originally obtained using 14.0. 

I will try that as soon as I can and keep you updated on the result. Thanks.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I tried to correct a typo on the original post I wrote in this thread but saving the changes I made completely deleted it! Sorry... 

Here is what I wrote in my original post: 


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Hi all, 


I started working with Altera OpenCL a few weeks ago and I am still trying to get familiar with the collection of tools provided with the Altera SDK for OpenCL. 

Right now, I am having trouble to get the AOCL profile information viewer up and running as any attempt to launch it results into the following error: 

"Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException". 

Any idea on how to get rid of this exception? 


The system I am currently using runs Windows 7 (64-bits) and has a Stratix V FPGA board connected via PCIe. 

Also, I am working with Altera SDK for OpenCL v14.0.2.209 and the application I used is the JPEG Decoder Design Example provided by Altera: 


Here is a description of steps I went through: 

- Compiled the kernel to obtain the .aocx file including profiling instrumentation 

Command: "aoc --profile -v --board s5phq_d5 device/ -o bin/jpeg_decoder.aocx" 

- Imported the Visual Studio project to VS2013 and built it to obtain the jpeg_decoder.exe executable (copied to bin directory) 

- Ran the application to generate the profile.mon file 

Command: "jpeg_decoder.exe 1.jpeg 1.ppm" 

- Invoked the AOCL profile information viewer 

Command: "aocl report jpeg_decoder.aocx profile.mon" 


Attached is a screenshot of the actual error message. 





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