Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16681 Discussions

Constraining registered and combinational path independent of each other

Honored Contributor II



I have a small CPLD project where one pin is connected to a register and also to some combinational logic, similar to the following code: 


library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 


entity test_max_delay is 

port ( 

CPU_WE : in std_logic; 

CPU_CLK : in std_logic; 

WE_comb : out std_logic; 

WE_reg : out std_logic 


end entity test_max_delay; 


architecture synthesis of test_max_delay is 


Reg : process (CPU_CLK) is 


if rising_edge(CPU_CLK) then 

WE_reg <= CPU_WE; 

end if; 

end process Reg; 


WE_comb <= CPU_WE; 


end architecture synthesis; 


Now I want to set up all three types of timing constraints: 

- Input setup & hold of CPU_WE relative to CPU_CLK 

- Clock to output for WE_reg 

- Propagation delay from CPU_WE to WE_reg 


When using the following constraints... 


set_time_format -unit ns -decimal_places 3 

create_clock -name CPU_CLK -period 10.000 -waveform { 0.000 5.000 } [get_ports CPU_CLK]  

set_input_delay -max 7.5ns -clock "CPU_CLK" "CPU_WE" 

set_input_delay -min 1.0ns -clock "CPU_CLK" "CPU_WE" 

set_output_delay -clock "CPU_CLK" -max 2ns "WE_reg" 

set_output_delay -clock "CPU_CLK" -min 0ns "WE_reg" 

set_max_delay -from CPU_WE -to WE_comb 6ns 

set_min_delay -from CPU_WE -to WE_comb 0ns 


...the input setup constraint from the registered path seems to be added to the actual propagation delay of the combinational path, i.e. 

input setup constraint: 7.5ns 

propagation delay constraint: 6.0ns 

actual propagation delay (CPU_WE to WE_comb): 4.631 

Resulting slack: 6.0ns - (7.5ns + 4.631ns) = -6.131ns 


Is there any way to constrain the combinational path completely independent of the registered path or is there any reason why the input delay is added?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

If the starting point (CPU_WE) has a clocked delay (7.5 ns), then it will be added to the path.  

Same thing for ending points. 


I don't really know why, but that's how set_max/min_delay are defined to work. There's probably a good reason.. 


And you can't just set_false_path -from [get_clock CPU_CLK] -to [get_ports WE_comb] because it will simply cut the path from CPU_WE to WE_comb. 


What you can do is add the 7.5 ns to your max delay constraint. 

Ie, set_max_delay -from CPU_WE -to WE_comb 13.5ns
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