Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Constraining ripple clocks, clock mux output clocks, altddio output clock

Honored Contributor II

Hi I have a design in which I send out (off chip) (inverted) "sysclk_out" from altddio. I do not use PLL as a source clock. I just use the incoming clock (sysclk_in) to drive the altddio.  


a.) I could not find a way to constrain that output clock.  

b.) Should I create a virtual clock (exact phase and frequency as "sysclk_ext") to constrain the output data ports? I could not find the -source to use in "create_generated_clocks" 

d.) In other design I have a mux selecting incoming clocks, how should I use "create_generated_clocks" to constrain the clocks? 


Thanks in advance.
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