Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16635 Discussions

Copying input signal to output through I/O buffers on Cyclone III

Honored Contributor II

Hello Altera Forum community, 


I am an FPGA beginner trying to design a Cyclone III so that it outputs replica signals of a common input signal (also planning to implement a counter and a strobe signals generator on the same chip). 

As the simplest case of 1-input/1-output, I have written the following Verilog HDL code: 


module iobuftest1( clk_in, clk_out ); input clk_in; output clk_out; assign clk_out = clk_in; endmodule  


After full compilation, Quartus II replaces the assign statement (assign clk_out = clk_in;) by the following code in the .vo output file: 


wire gnd; wire vcc; wire unknown; assign gnd = 1'b0; assign vcc = 1'b1; assign unknown = 1'bx; tri1 devclrn; tri1 devpor; tri1 devoe; // synopsys translate_off initial $sdf_annotate("iobuftest1_v.sdo"); // synopsys translate_on wire \clk_out~output_o ; wire \clk_in~input_o ; // Location: IOOBUF_X11_Y29_N2 cycloneiii_io_obuf \clk_out~output ( .i(\clk_in~input_o ), .oe(vcc), .seriesterminationcontrol(16'b0000000000000000), .devoe(devoe), .o(\clk_out~output_o ), .obar()); // synopsys translate_off defparam \clk_out~output .bus_hold = "false"; defparam \clk_out~output .open_drain_output = "false"; // synopsys translate_on // Location: IOIBUF_X14_Y29_N22 cycloneiii_io_ibuf \clk_in~input ( .i(clk_in), .ibar(gnd), .o(\clk_in~input_o )); // synopsys translate_off defparam \clk_in~input .bus_hold = "false"; defparam \clk_in~input .simulate_z_as = "z"; // synopsys translate_on assign clk_out = \clk_out~output_o ;  



I have confirmed that an input buffer ("cycloneiii_io_ibuf") and an output buffer ("cyloneiii_io_obuf") are inserted between the input and output nodes in the Technology Map Viewer and the Resource Property Editor. 

I am OK with this insertion from the viewpoint of output driving capability. 


The problem, however, is that the input signal "clk_in" is not copied to the output signal "clk_out" in simulation results by ModelSim-Altera. 

After several clock periods of "X", "clk_out" abruptly goes to "0" and remains so throughout the simulation. 


Could you tell me how to make "clk_out" an exact replica of "clk_in", possibly keeping the I/O buffers? 


Thanks in advance. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I have found in the testbench that the clock period of the input "clk_in" (1ns) was shorter than the delay between the input and output (~7ns). 

Much slower "clk_in" has allowed "clk_out" to follow the transition. 


Thanks for taking time. 


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