Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16755 Discussions

Cryptic warning message when trying to constrain DDR input

Honored Contributor II

I get the following warning from Quartus II 12.0sp1 when compiling a source synchronous DDR input interface to the FPGA: 


Warning (176441): The I/O pin adcIn[0] cannot meet the timing constraints due to conflicting requirements. The I/O pin is a PLL compensated I/O, but the setup/hold requirements are in conflict with the source PLL mode(source synchronous or ZDB ) 


The PLL is set to source synchronous mode with a 90 degree phase shift. The input min and max delays are set to zero, so this should not be a problem, but even so the timing requirements are not met. Here are the SDC commands I'm using for the DDR inputs: 



set_input_delay -clock adcClk-max 0 [get_ports adcIn*] -add_delay 

set_input_delay -clock adcClk -min -0 [get_ports adcIn*] -add_delay 

set_input_delay -clock adcClk -max 0 [get_ports adcIn*] -clock_fall -add_delay 

set_input_delay -clock adcClk -min -0 [get_ports adcIn*] -clock_fall -add_delay 


I have no idea what this message means by "in conflict". What is it that is in conflict?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Try putting some real values in for -max and -min. You've opened up the data valid window to its maximum, so the PLL may be having a hard time trying to figure out how to compensate for this. That's a guess as I've never seen this Warning before.

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Honored Contributor II

Putting real numbers in for the input delay does not make this warning go away. The warning goes away only if the timing requirements are met. So, as far as I can tell, this warning is just telling me that the timing requirements were not achieved, which is kind of useless since the timing report already tells me that.

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Honored Contributor II

How could you not be meeting timing on the inputs with a -max and -min of 0? That basically says you have no external delays, so as long as you clock frequency is within spec, you should be meeting timing.

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Honored Contributor II

The internal delays were too high. Changing the design to use an extra clock phase allowed me to close timing.

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